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''Merry Christmas, everyone!'' Eva and Harry exclaimed as they descended the stairs and sat down on the dining table with the rest of the family. 

Last night's incident was clearly rotating in both of their minds as they looked at each other and smiled. The kiss they shared didn't leave them at an awkward state but brought them closer than before. Harry still couldn't believe that he finally had his first kiss with the girl he loved the most. It was like a dream come true. And the words she said yesterday filled his heart with high hopes again.

Their was mixed Merry Christmas said back from around the table by everyone. They all had bright smiles on their faces. The twins were not there as they left early for the Christmas sale in the joke shop.

''So what are we doing today?'' Tonks asked as she fed Teddy who looked like he was going to fall asleep again any moment.

''We can have a Christmas Marathon,'' Eva suggested making everyone nod in agreement.

''That's a good idea,'' Remus nodded.

''Yes,'' said Mrs Weasley. ''We can open the presents first and then have the movie marathon?''

''That sounds good,'' Harry agreed. ''Plus, Alex and Daphne and Luna and Ginny said that they would come for dinner tonight.''

''Yeah,'' Ron said nodding his head. ''Mum, you can make your Christmas feast for everyone!''

''You think only about food, don't you?'' Eva said amused.

''Its Ronald Weasley, what else did you expect?'' Hermione laughed that everyone joined too while Ron rolled his eyes playfully.    

Eva and Hermione got dressed in the in warm pairs of clothes along with the fuzzy Christmas sweaters that Mrs Weasley knitted for them all. The two then walked down to the living room to see Ron and Harry playing with Teddy by the big Christmas tree wearing red bow over their heads. 

The two girls looked at each other and smiled as they walked closer. Teddy looked up and smiled brightly at his godmother.

''Eve! Eve!'' Teddy exclaimed in his baby voice making the boys look up too. They smiled at their fiancés who returned the smiles. 

Eva moved towards Harry and sat down next to him and turned to look at Teddy who had now crawled towards her. ''Hey Teddy!'' Eva greeted taking the child in her lap. ''What are you doing?''

''Loo! Gfts!'' Teddy exclaimed pointing his little fingers towards the stack of gifts that he was opening.

''Gifts?'' Eva smiled. ''Yes, you have so many gifts!''

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