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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

''Are you sure its alright? I don't want to bother you all,'' Eva Lane asked the Golden Trio hesitantly.

It was time for the Winter Breaks in Hogwarts and students were doing last minute packings. Eva along with the trio was seated in the living room of their quarter, discussing about the breaks. 

Alex was leaving with Daphne to meet her parents who had invited them over, meaning he won't be able to spend the breaks with her best friend in the Lane Mansion, something Alex was extremely guilty of. Though, Eva had talked him out of thinking like that as she was completely okay with it and really wanted Alex to meet his fiancé's parents. Still a bit guilty, Alex hugged his sister before leaving with Daphne who's parents decided to pick them up directly from Hogwarts. Though they did made plans on visiting on Christmas and New Year.

Eva was supposed to spend the break alone in her home but the trio insisted her to come to the Burrow with them instead. They had already owled Molly Weasley and the others about it. Everyone was delighted to Eva again, especially Remus, who is quite close with the honey blonde girl as he and the other Marauders were good friends with Jake and Lisa Lane, Eva's parents. Remus had always been like another dad for Eva. He had been there for her family when he heard about her grandparents death and had been there for her when her parents died. Remus couldn't wait to see the girl who was like his daughter again

''What?'' Ron said. ''Are you kidding us? You won't bother us. Everyone would love to see you again!''


''No buts, Eve,'' Hermione exclaimed. ''You are coming with us and that's final.''

''Plus, I am not leaving my fiancé alone during Christmas,'' Harry smiled at girl sitting beside him, holding his hands. ''And I would miss you a lot, too. So we are taking you with us.''

Eva smiled at the raven haired boy. ''Okay, fine. But have you told Mrs Weasley and the others?''

''Don't worry,'' Ron answered. ''I owled mom two days back and she is delighted to have you along with everyone else.''

''Especially Remus,'' Harry added. ''He had been dying to see you again.''

''It would be wonderful to him again, too,'' Eva giggled making Harry smile at her dreamily.

''So, go and pack your bags,'' Hermione told her. ''Hogwarts Express is leaving tomorrow.''

The Hogwarts Express zoomed across the snow covered path at a fast speed. The Winter Breaks had officially begun.

Harry Potter and Eva Lane were snuggled close to each other as they slept for most of the train ride. The two were sitting in the last compartment with Ron, Hermione, Ginny and Luna, who was coming to the Burrow with them as well. The Potter couple slept as the rest four chatted.

Traitor (H.J.Potter)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن