Chapter 1 - Part 3

Start from the beginning

Once we finally woke up again, me and my twin was in cells. They then started training us in combat. They worked with the Red Room so we fight the same way. And so that was going on for 5 years, just constant combat.

My twin and I then turned 10 years old. To which they begun testing, we was only allowed to interact with the people doing the same test as us otherwise if we spoke to the people doing a different test, both of us will get shot. They made it so we would wear a sertain color tracksuit for our test so we knew who we could speak to. I didn't speak to anyone because they all spoke a different Language To me. There was English, Norwegian, Finnish, Swedish, Korean, Japanese, French, Spanish and Italian. And I'm pretty sure there were more but on my test no one spoke Russian. Until this girl got moved to do the same test as me. She then walked up to me and asked "ты говоришь на русском языке?"

I shot up worried because I knew no one spoke Russian until I saw she was wearing the same color as me and so I replied "Да я русская."

She then smiled and said "Ты умеешь говорить по-английски?"

I then awnsered "нет. Я знаю немного."

And so until we had to line up to go into our "testing" room. The girl started teaching me English.

Then after an hour of breakfast, we heard on the speakers that we have to get in line ready for testing. When we got into line the girl was 2nd last and I was last to go in for this so called "test".

After 30 minutes everyone else had died now it was just this girl and me she went in and I hoped she survived but they done the announcer and said "21st volunteer dead"
And so it was only me, everyone died and I thought I was going to die, I went in and they told me to touch the stone and so I looked at it it bursted open. Then I had this strange vision of something, but then I blacked out or something I still don't even remember what happend after that.

I woke up in a different sort of cell with a TV and then I felt this strange feeling but I couldn't help but think if my twin survived and thank god he was being walked to somewhere and then he started darting around the room like he was sonic.

2 weeks being in a locked cell room was boring I tried so many different ways I could escape but nothing worked, then some man came to the glass door and said "привет, пойдем со мной, теперь ты можешь тренироваться"

I didn't say anything but I followed and as I stepped out that cell I felt the same feeling but it felt more powerful it was me gaining most of my power, we then made it to training and they then carried on training me with the combat but it was the higher level of that fighting so there were so many more things added.

And then they taught me combat but with my powers then I saw my twin training. He started doing his training a week before me as my powers are classed as the most dangerous because no-one had ever survived what I did.

*flash back ended*

fter we turned 18, we escaped. But we was being hunted by the people who had there powers and so we thought them together but then when we nearly defeated them all I felt the connection I had with him it had gone and right then and there I knew he died..."

I didn't know why I stopped talking It felt like I lost the ability to talk and Finnish off what I was talking about but then I broke down and couldn't breathe properly, Yelena and Nat was Shocked to hear a story like that, it was sort of the same but also it was completely different. After they came back from being frozen from what they had just heard they saw me just break down. Yelena and Nat then rushed towards me they started reassuring me, they both grabbed my hands and they was nonstop reassuring me it took 45 minutes for them to calm me down.
I then finally managed to start breathing properly.

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