When they got to the restaurant, they spotted Cortes and Michael holding down the fort at their table. A Chicken appetizer and a few empty glasses were littered around. They rose and greeted Rodney and Alicia when they joined them.

"Aye, aye, aye, she was the baddest, he was the realest!" Cortes said, pointing at them and Alicia laughed.

"I see you got started drinking," Rodney said.

"C'mon, it's the holidays," Cortes argued.

"Not anymore. It's already January. Get it together," Michael said.

His eyes flickered to Alicia with a raised eyebrow and picked up a chicken wing. As he devoured the wing, he continued to stare. It was getting on Alicia's nerves that she narrowed her eyes.

"What is it?" she asked.

"So your friend dumped you—" he started.

"Michael," Rodney said, annoyed.

"What?" he asked.

Alicia smiled, "Let him finish."

"I was just going to offer my condolences," Michael said.

"Thanks, though it kinda sucks that I have to hang out with you now," she said.

Rodney chuckled, placing an arm over her chair. Michael rolled his eyes.

"Oh, ha ha ha. Is that the best you got?"

"Yes, you infuriating insect," she said, sticking her tongue at him.

There was a hint of a smile on Michael's face, but he hid it with a chicken wing.

Their waiter came and they ordered food and drinks. When the waiter left, they dove into Christmas stories. As the drinks flowed, laughter and merriment filled their table. When they were done eating, they sat around the table deciding whether they should order desert or not. Cortes crossed his hands over the table and leaned in.

"So Rodney, what is it like to be the only person out of us boys that's cuffed?" Cortes asked.

"I've downloaded Tinder again," Michael spoke up.

"Yo, the spotlight is not on you right now, okay?" Cortes said. "Anyways, Rodney?"

Rodney turned to Alicia, regarding her silently. Alicia pretended to be looking over the menu.

"I have to change my pillow cases a lot because she drools," he said with a straight face.

"You said you didn't care about that," Alicia snapped.

Michael and Cortes laughed out loud as Rodney did his best not to join them.

"I do laundry once a day now. It's tough since laundry prices have gone up," he said. "Ah, life's not easy in this economy."

"You're the one with the sweat problem," Alicia said.

"Cap. I don't sweat that much. It's only when we..." he trailed off.

Knowingly, he gazed at her. She had to pat her cheeks and fan her face to stay calm. This time, Rodney doubled over and laughed.

"Whoa! Whoa! I'm still in the room. Stop all this lovey dovey shit. I think I'm gonna be sick," Michael said.

"I'm not. I wish I was with someone," Cortes said.

"I'm sure you'll find someone someday," Alicia promised him.


The week came and went and then it was Saturday. Rodney was waiting for Alicia in the living room. Ten minutes later, she came out, dressed casually in jeans and a peach-colored blouse. He put his phone away and rose. She was pouting.

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