Chapter 3

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Jail Drama and Poppy meets Branch...

The blue troll named Branch watched as Poppy left and he was surprised to see her give a small wave but it could of been to any of the inmates but he felt it was aimed at him, he turned away not wanting to give her the satifaction that he actually liked it. It was the first nice thing any of the jail staff have even done since he got there.

''There she goes, I love you Poppy!'' Zack shouted throwing himself on the linked fence watching her leave.

The other inmates laughed, Branch just rolled his eyes.

Ryan came over and placed a hand on the trolls shoulder. ''Give it up Zack she doesn't do inmates.''

''I think she would if the right inmate charmed her.'' A voice said.

The trolls turned around and saw Timothy who was a big troll and was besties with Sunset.

''Yeah right we all know that would never happen, she too high strung for that.'' A red troll named Max said leaning against the fence.

''How would you know? Sunset seems to think that he can.'' Tim bragged walking over and snatching the basketball from Martin.

''Oh and where is Sunset?'' Asked Ryan smirking.

''I don't know my boy hasn't come out yet?'' Asked Tim surprised.

''I saw him, he got put in the quiet room.'' Blade said as he as he snatched the ball from Tim.

''What did he do this time?'' Asked Ryan not really caring standing next to Branch.

''Well I heard he was trying to rape his therapist again and he only lasted 3 minutes this time.'' Blade said smirking.

''Ha, please he was holding back he only needed 1 minute and she would be soaked.'' Tim smirked.

''HOW DARE HE!'' Shouted Zack who ran over to Tim.

Max and Martin held him back. ''He's being punished for it Zack.'' Max said.

Branch shook his head and went to the other side of the area and sat on the bench sighing.

''You ok Branch?'' Asked Ryan who sat next to him.

''Fine.'' He said.

Branch barely talked to anyone and Ryan had an idea that they would be jail buddies.

''Your gonna have one hell of a time dealing with Sunset once he's out of the quiet room.'' Ryan said concerned.

''I know and I don't care.'' Branch snapped.

Ryan nodded as they sat there.

They all heard a whistle and they went inside as they passed Hickory and Tresillo and went to the main jail area.

''Supper will be ready in 5 minutes.'' Tresillo called.

Branch went back to his cell and jumped on his bed sighing as he looked at the picture on his wall, it was a picture of a lavender colored older looking female troll who was smiling, and he smiles sadly at the picture placing his hand on it.

''Don't worry I will find the real killer.'' He whispered.

''Suppers on!''

Branch got down and went out to the floor and they all went over to where two female funk trolls were serving food with two male funk troll officers on both sides to make sure nothing happens.

They lined up one at a time and looked at the food they were served. Mash Potatoes, grilled cheese with a apple and pudding cup, and a small quart bottle of milk, juice or water. Branch was right behind Zack when they heard the doors opened and in came Hickory with Sunset who was smirking.

''Just in time I see.'' He strutted over and tried to cut only for Tresillo to pull him back. ''No cutting!'' He said firmly.

''But I'm at the back of the line, everything will be gone.'' He protested.

''You should of thought of that before doing what you did today.'' Hickory snapped firmly.

Sunset glared and when it got to him, he got the rest that was a bit smaller then the others and he flashed a bright smile at the funk girls serving.

''Hello Blue.'' He leaned over the counter.

''So what's on your menu?'' He flirted.

''Sunset.. you're gonna go back to the quiet room without supper if you don't behave.'' Hickory warned pulling out his cuffs and Cooper pulls out a tazer.

The troll got his food and went to sit next to Tim and Blade, Branch sat at a table with Ryan and Zack next to him.

''Are you kidding? She wanted me this time I could tell, but Poppy was playing hard to get.'' Sunset bragged loud enough for the other tables to hear.

''I bet she seems like a piece of hot meat and I imagine she a screamer.'' Tim joked.

''I bet you just have to hit that right spot in between her legs watching her blush and bite her bottom lip in pleaure.'' Sunset said licking his lips.

Zack was getting more and more upset, Branch continued to eat but felt disgusted by what he heard.. but Ryan turned red.

''Yeah next time I will have to plan better.'' Sunset said laughing.

That did it Ryan stood up, charging at Sunset punching him in the face as he flew backwards and they were fight as the others cheered them on and Branch knew he needed to stop the fight.

''STOP IT!'' he shouted running over as Ryan got thrown backwards.

''STAY OUT OF IT RUNT!'' Sunset yelled.

He tried to punch Branch only for Branch to duck and punch him back as he tackled Sunset.

The two were fighting and Branch got the upperhand and started beating Sunset.

Hickory, Tresillo, Cooper and Prince D came in and stopped the fight to see Sunset with a black eye and bloody lip.

''TIMBER!'' Shouted Hickory who pulls him away to see he got a bloody lip and scratch marks on his body.

He took Branch to the quiet room, and Sunset to his cell.

The next morning Poppy came in and went to her office and saw Sheriff Quincy.

''Morning Poppy.'' He said,

''Morning Quincy is everything ok?''

''No there was a fight last night and one of the inmates is in trouble he's gonna get a longer sentence unless he agreed to go to therapy so can you squeeze him in?'' The older troll asked.

''Yes of course it is.'' Poppy said wondering who it was.

''Good here is his file, read it and find time to bring him in.'' Quincy said giving her the file.

Poppy went into her office and opened the folder and saw the same blue troll. ''Branch Timber charged for murder?!'' She was surprised but knew he needed help and placed him after Ryan.

Later there was a knock at the door and that is when Poppy saw Branch the troll who would change her life and he was annoyed and looking down almost a bit sad. ''All yours Poppy.'' Tresillo said leaving.

The two trolls looked at each other.

Here we go enjoy... next Broppy!

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