~vi x reader ~

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TW! : OD/ 0v3rd0s1ng

TW! : OD/ 0v3rd0s1ng_________________________________________

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None of my friends listen to me. Everytime I try and talk they talk over me, they act as if I don't exist...vi's spending tons of time with Caitlyn.. Am I jealous? Yeah,..my parents are constantly arguing and ALWAYS putting a big weight on my back, do this y/n, do that, while my sister gets to do whatever she wants , makes a mess? Doesn't matter, y/n can clean that up..Maybe I'm over reacting?..am I..

My heads flooded with constant thoughts.

Do my parents love me?.. They treat me like a maid constantly, what about friend's, the only people I could trust are acting as if I don't exist..and I still call them friends, wow..sisters selfish and has no care about me either.. And vi...busy being all lovey dovey with cait.

God im so dramatic.

Dose no one... Need me..


A thought pops into my head

No one needs me, right? So they wouldn't mind if I died or anything..



I pull my knees up to my chin and rest it on my knees. 

as tears escape my eyes, I wish to not be here anymore.

Parents aren't home.. Neither is my sister.

I get up and open the door, the door creeks open and I slip out of my room and go to my parents room.

When I get their I look through their drawrs, looking for the thing I need.

Bottle of pills.

As I find it I grab it, close the drawr and get up walking back to my bedroom.

I sit down on my bed placing the pills next to me.

I look at the pills then at the portrait of me and my family.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

I open my eyes still covered in tears, I grab the bottle and open the lid of the bottle, I put the bottle to my lips re-thinking if I should do this..

I mentally nod and tilt my head up taking all the pills.

I place the now empty bottle down.

My head starts hurting and I start to feel dizzy, I lay down and close my eyes.

Slowly drifting off to a never ending dream.

(Vi's pov)

Every time I see y/n she seems to be sad, is it because I'm not spending as much time with her..?,

If I'm honest.. I'm quite worried.

I told Caitlyn I'm busy today, just to go see y/n.

I get too the door of her house and ring the door bell

No answer



*ring ring*

No answer once again.

She always answers.. Somethings wrong.

I think of a way to get into the house

'As much as weird it is to brake into a house.. She always answers the door because she's always home.. '

I climb up to her balcony and open her balcony glass doors 'it's open, that's good. ' I walk in to see y/n laying on her bed all pale, lips dry and blue, ..she's not breathing..

I run up to her with tears in my eyes and hug her tightly ,crying.

Vi: Y/N! PLEASE!.. tell me this is a joke.  I can't lose you.. Ur special to me..

I sob with y/ns limp dead body in my arms.

She can't be dead.

Not her, out of everyone.


♡~𝓥𝓲 𝓧 𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻 𝓞𝓷𝓮 𝓢𝓱𝓸𝓽𝓼~ ♡Where stories live. Discover now