So you are , BEAUTIFUL !

Ian thought but then he was confused why such things are happening, he never smiled because of girl, he never actually blushed, he never had this urge to go and actually talk with anyone and specially a girl, he never actually felt happy or alive in million years. What was this all ? Why is it going on ?

He shook his head as they settle down.

"Why don't you go and play for awhile till then I'll make something to eat and then we'll for ice cream ?" Ian's mom said and winked to Ian.

Oh, momma is trying to do setup or what ?

"No problem !" Lavender said already getting up on her feet.

Ian's mom made that face to Ian as in go-you-little-minion-grab-it !

Ian licked his lips and stood up. He gave a small smile to Lavender who was roaming her gaze all over the park and bitting her lips.

"So what we should play ?" Ian asked as they were walking unkowing where they are going.

"Lets be pirates!" Lavender said clapping her hands.

"Whats that ?" Ian asked in clear confusion.

"Okay, I'll explain it for you, so you and I both will be pirates and we'll be having a flag, we both are going to protect our flags and at same time we have to find each others flag also we'll be having our swords so if in case we caught each other we'll have a sword fight !" Lavender said clearly in amused tone.

"But we don't have a sword or flag !" Ian pouted.

"We can make them!" Lavender winked and smiled.

Ian was utterly amused by this new game because all he knew was mobile games or video games or last but not least BOOKS !

"Sounds amazing !" Ian said and gave sheepish smile.

"So lets hunt for our sword and flags !" Lavender said already running towards heaps of leaves which were lying on ground.

"Are you sure this are going to be our flags ?" Ian's voice was clearly sounding doubtful.

"You have better idea ?" Lavender said with a pout which already made Ian to shut his mouth because his Eistein's brain was not ready to work for him not today as it was holding this big letters DND !

Well it was just merely presence of Lavender which drived his Eistein's brain crazy.

For awhile Ian kept his smart mouth in his pants and followed each and every instruction Lavender was saying.

Finally they had flag and sword which was not really flag and sword because all it was each leaf pierced through a stick which looked liked less like a flag and what they called sword was a piece of stick.

Ian who loved perfection tried to make his flag more likely by piercing more leaves on stick which amused Lavender who wanted to copy the same trick but ended with one leaf only.

"Alright now hide your flag, and remember the boundary.." Lavender pointed her little pink fingers towards a pole which was on her left and then pointed towards her right where there was a tree.

"Go !" she giggled and both ran in opposite direction.

Ian tried harder to hide his flag because you know he doesn't like to lose a game and specially with a girl !? Never !

He laughed at himself as he kept his flag in one of the bushes. He thought that Lavender will not be able to find it.

He turned around and squinted his eyes as if pretending there was really a enemy hiding from him.

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