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"Mom did you take my tab ?" Ian said stopping in between his tracks.

"Yep !" said showing the tab.

"Get in the car !" Ian's dad said in roaring voice and moving his hand in air.

Lavender chuckled and gave a wave to her Mom who was standing on porch holding milk bottles and giving that motherly advice of be a good girl, don't irritate them.

Ian hoped in backseat and Lavender joined him.

His mother was still trying to suppress a chuckle which was really hard whenever she glanced from corner of eyes towards his blue eye baby.

"Put the seatbelts!" Ian said in his usual bossy tone.

Lavender gave a dimple smile and did what she was told.

The car roared to life. Ian gave out a huge sigh and you can see there was this light smiling competition between Ian's parent perfectly knowing that Ian wanted to talk but the poor guy was too much shy.

There was this huge silence between them, it felt like ages.

Lavender on other hand was staring outside the window and gazing at tje clouds , as the houses passed, people walking along the sidewalk, small babies, well she was new to the town and she was enjoying every bit of it.

But Ian waa not enjoying this silence because whenever he use to open his mouth his mom use to glanced and gave a grin which was really making him to blush more and more so he use to shut his mouth.

"Well Lavender, what are you hobbies ?" Ian's mom said clearly her throat and suppressing her teasing smile.

"I have many hobbies but I love acting and dancing!" Lavender said tossing her head forword to see Ian's mom face properly and gave her dimple smile, as usual.

Dimple smile.

And you can imagine this priceless smile gave Ian's butterflies in his stomach.

"You're mom was saying you were in theatre?" Ian's mon said turning her face towards Lavender .

"Yesssss, I got promoted here as it was best for my future, this is what my teachers told me so my parents moved here!" Lavender said.

"But as far as I know there is no such knowing theatre here!" Ian's mom gave a confused look.

On other hand Ian was just staring at her face and was listening carefully.

"Hehehhehee... I know but there is theatre academy about few distance from this town so I'm enrolled there!" and she gave toothy grin.

"So you are going to go there everyday?" Ian finally spoke.

"Yes !" Lavender snapped her head towards him who was clearly disappointed by the fact that he was not going to have half day I mean proper half day to spend with her.


They were cut off by the Ian's dad who told them they have arrived the park.

They came out in from the car. Lavender looked around in amusement as her hair was dancing in light breeze.

The day was perfect, sunny, no sign of clouds and sky was clear, birds flying and on such perfect day people from town come to enjoy the pleasurable day with their loved one here at the park.

"Lets find some suitable place!" Ian's dad said taking out the basket from car and heading towards a tree which was not occupied by many audience.

"Its really beautiful !" Lavender whispered as she took hold of Ian's hand which was still surprising him as it was like 2nd time when he was caught off guard.

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