Chapter 5

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"There is a Fair beside the farmers market next week." Texas says, looking up from his phone. The two are sitting beside each other on the couch. Though they aren't cuddling they are sitting a little bit closer than strictly necessary.

"Maybe we could bring Louie." Florida suggests.

Texas looks a little bit nervous but nods none the less. "Alright."

Florida gives him a small kiss on the cheek before standing up. "I'll go ask him.

He walks out to the front yard where he knows his best friend is having a drink while watching the sun set. Florida sit down beside him on the grass, stretching his legs out in front of him and leaning back.

"What's up sha?"

"Texas found a Fair happening this weekend." Florida says.


"There's going to be a ferris wheel and cotton candy and everything." Florida says, excitement evident in his voice.

"That sounds fun."

Florida's heart seems to jump out his chest. "Do you want to come with us?"

Louie pauses for a moment to think, giving Florida just enough to time to overthink.

"Sure." Florida realises he hasn't been breathing for a moment and remedies the situation by taking a deep inhale.


"You wanna drink?" Louie asks offering the other state a bottle.


The two sit in silence for a good while with their drinks.


"Common, we are going to be late." Texas says. Louie smiles at his best friend who is making a show of deciding between two different pairs of flip flops.

"Fine." Florida huffs jokingly. He grabs a pair of crocks causing Texas to roll his eyes.

Apparently, Texas decided it would be a great idea to drive to the fair in a rusting old pickup truck. With the sounds it is making Louie doesn't know how the thing is still running.

Louie and Florida sit in the back for the hour-long drive. Luckily, Texas lets Florida take over the playlist. The guy is great, but no one can put up with an hour of country music.

It feels like they have been driving all day by the time they get there. Louisiana takes a deep breath of fresh air and hops out of the vehicle, bending his knees and stretching.

The Fair is huge. People mill about playing games and buying food. A few tents are scattered around the site advertising palm reading and more games. In the center of the whole thing and huge ferris wheel covered in glittering colourful lights juts up out of the sky.

"We have to do the ferris wheel first!" Florida exclaims.

"No, we should do fortune telling first sha. Save the Ferris wheel for the end." Louie says.

Out of the corner of his eye Louisiana sees Texas gives Florida a look before the shorter state replies. "Ok!"

Texas leads the way over to the tent. They walk inside to a smoky room. A dark purple colour covers the walls and Candles give the space minimal light. A small woman sits in the middle of the tent behind a circular table. "Who would like to go first? She asks in an airy voice.

Louisiana immediately sits down in front of her. She takes a mug from beside her and pours in hot water before passing it to him. He thanks her for the drink and downs it. A small brown leaf sits in the bottom. He passes it back to her and she inspects the inside of the mug before smiling.

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