Chapter 1

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"Something tells me this isn't going to work." Texas says.

"Have faith." Florida replies. The two are beside the door to DC's office, Florida kneeling beside the lock with a boby pin in hand. Texas is standing watch.

"If you say so." Florida doesn't fail to notice how deep his voice sounds. The accent is hot.

With a few movements of the bobypin in the lock Florida opens the door to reveal the most boring office ever. A large wooden desk with a black chair stand in the centre. There is a single, almost empty, bookshelf against the wall with a small square window beside it.

Florida looks back at Texas who seems about as impressed as he is. "So what are you planning on doing?"

"Taking his chair." Florida says with a huge smile.

"You could move some papers around and it would mess up his whole week." Texas jokes.

"Keep watch." Florida says before ducking inside. Texas sighs, like he wasn't already doing that, and looks back out into the hall.

Florida comes back out a moment later with the chair, rolling it as quietly as he can. The take it to the garage and knock on Alaska's door. He opens it to see Florida's signature prank grin and slams the door in there faces.

" I know where we can put it."

Texas looks at his watch. "You'd better be quick. DC is going to be home soon." Florida just chuckles in response.

They end up putting it in California's treehouse. Let it be noted that Texas carried it up the ladder and got it through the tiny door while the other state stood on the ground cheering him on.

"Florida!" DC's yell can be heard across the statehouse.

"What's up?" Florida pokes his head through the door to DC's office. His prank smile not exactly screaming innocence.

Dc visibly takes a deep breath so he doesn't scream at the southern state. "I need my chair back."

"I don't have it."

"Florida." The feds tone is threatening.

The state just shrugs.

"You're grounded to the house until it comes back."

"What about meetings with my governor?" The state fails to make the question sound honest.

"We both know you never go to those."

Florida sighs. There is no way he could give up now, he can't get the chair out of the treehouse by himself.

"You can go get me a chair from the kitchen in the meantime." DC says. Florida walks out of the room with a false show of disappointment, before silently cheering once he is out of DC's site line. Another successful day of making the feds life hell.

Florida heads straight to Louisiana's room after replacing DC's chair with the hardest wooden one in the house. "I'm gonna be stuck here for a while." He says walking into the room. Florida closes the door behind him before flopping down onto the bed beside his friend. At Louisiana's questioning look he quickly explains his awesome prank and how it lead to his current predicament.

"You got it real bad sha." Louie says when he finishes telling the story. "Do you want me to help you get it down?"

Florida's prank smirk appears. "No, I'm going to wait for Cali to find it."

"Good luck sha." Louie says with a laugh. "Movie?"

Florida smiles and settles into his spot on the bed. "Sounds good."

For the next week nothing could be found in the right spot. California's room seemed to be the culprits favourite spot to hide things. Texas' shirt, DC's tie, Utah's bible. Nothing was safe. Even Louie's dacuri was found in Alaska's cave one day.

It took eight days for California to finally use the treehouse. He heads outside with a romance novel and headphones only to find the best reading spot taken up by DC's chair. The very one that has been causing the whole house grief for the past week.

With a sigh he heads to DC's office. The chair the fed is currently sitting on seems liable to cause some back pain. He taps his knuckles lightly on the open door to get the government's attention.

"Found the chair." He says when DC looks over from his computer screen. "We are probably going to need some help."

The two find Texas in the living room. With a bottle of beer and a football game. He fumbles something along the lines of "not gonna be any easier drunk. Before following them outside.

Texas just barely manages to maneuver the chair out of the treehouse. Luckily DC is there to take it from him so he doesn't have to carry it down the stairs.

When the southern state lands on solid ground he takes his signature cowboy hat off for a moment to wipe the sweat off his forehead and fix his hair a bit. Cali has to keep himself from thinking about how hot he is. Texas hates the western state so he is just going to have to get over it.

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