It was a strange feeling for the mage. The only one she truly called her friend was Gandalf. And even then, he had been the one to mentor her, practically raise her. While these four hobbits just stumbled into her life, her care for them only grew as the days went by.

And then there was Strider...

Her mind would have gone on and on had it not been for the very man she was thinking of placing a hand on her shoulder, gesturing for them to carry on.

Cefrey nodded, albeit slightly embarrassed about where her thoughts were taking her. She turned to the halflings, a small smile on her face, "Get some rest, you four. We'll be back before you know it."


The sun had completely set by the time Cefrey and the ranger had walked a few leagues away from the watchtower. A blanket of darkness fell across the land, letting the tiny, white dots of stars shine bright. The cold air nipped at the mage's exposed skin, causing her to pull her cloak tighter, the hood over her head. Though, even with the iciness around her, she couldn't help but admire the beauty of the night. Unfortunately, she could not stay and stare at the stars, she was out on this escapade for a reason, after all.

Lighting a torch so to make their task easier, Strider trekked a few feet ahead of the mage. His searchful, dark eyes scanning each and every object on the horizon. Some may not have seen it -- in fact, most wouldn't -- but this ranger, this man, was not merely looking around him for obvious signs of danger, he was searching, digging into his surroundings to make sure he knew exactly where everything was. Such was the life of a wanderer, of a solitary man, out there not just to defend himself, but anyone he could.

Cefrey was not sure what to think of that sentiment. She had lived by herself and for herself for so long that it was hard to think ahead. In fact, her mind had drifted off many times to what would happen in the future. After they had made it to Rivendell, after she had fulfilled her promise to Gandalf. What would she do? She did not know. To be frank, she usually would not think of such things, of the path ahead. She much preferred to live in the present. To understand that things would come to pass in the next day, next year, yes. But also to understand that she had no sway over what would happen. And to let that guide her.

And yet... many things had changed that mindset over the course of just a few days. The ring, the hobbits, the ranger. She began to think ahead more; about the ring, if her friendship with the halflings would continue. If her strange relationship with Strider would bloom into something dear to her, or fall into dust and ash. And she did not like her mind constantly thinking about those things. It went against everything she had taught herself.

Though, another one of her beliefs was going along with the change around her. To accept that change was inevitable was, in a way, following her core ideology.

Sighing heavily, she continued walking, ahead of the ranger until she stood upon a rock, overlooking much of the path they were to take. Strider walked up beside her, torch still in hand as he, too, surveyed the land before turning to her, a curious look in his glance.

"You know how to scout?"

Cefrey laughed a little. "What? Did you think all I did was prance around and pick flowers?" She hopped off the boulder and did exactly what she said; bending down to pick a few wild flowers at her feet, the blonde mocked her own words. The action earned her a light chuckle from Strider, a smile subconsciously making its way to her face at the sound.

"I've had to fend for myself for quite a while, mister ranger..." She trailed off, her gaze moving back towards the horizon. "It's quite a lonesome life, isn't it? Surviving on your own. Even if you are doing it for those who cannot defend themselves..."

The ranger kept his eyes on the mage, a strange feeling making its way into his heart. He still knew little about her, and she also knew little about him, yet she was able to day things that made perfect sense. It was maddening at some points, while quite calming at others.

Before he could say anything to the mage, a loud shriek sounded through the plains, a tell tale sign of the black riders that were chasing them. Without another word spoken between the two, they ran towards the watchtower.

As the wind whipped past the pair, they sprinted down the fields towards the watchtower, both afraid of what would happen to the hobbits, and if the enemy managed to get the ring... Cefrey shuddered at the thought. Scenes of destruction, pools of blood, death, flashed in her vision, making her legs push harder and faster.

Cefrey's heart beat loudly and quickly as each minute passed by. She had no idea what the hobbits were doing. Had the black riders caught them unaware? Were they already taken, or worse, killed? Or had they heard the shrill scream and prepared to fight? Either way, she knew they were no match for the wraiths, even with their bravery. Cefrey hoped against all hopes that the little halflings were safe. She knew that they would fight and protect Frodo with everything they had, but she also knew that they had no idea what they were truly up against.

As if sensing her uneasiness, the ranger sped up his sprint, making her do the same. He opened his mouth to say something, but apparently decided against it, instead he merely surged forward, also knowing that their small companions desperately needed their aid. He did not know what to say at that moment. Should he comfort her? Tell her everything would be fine? Strider shook his head. He would not lie to her. Not when so much was at stake.

Weathertop finally came into view, though it was not a pleasant sight. The pair ran up the hill, swords drawn, breath heavy, heart pounding. The dark shapes of the Nazgul brought with them an atmosphere of doom and death, as if they, themselves, were evil incarnate, that they carried with them nothing but ruin and destruction. The darkness seeped into Cefrey's skin, reaching for whatever held her together. Her chest contracted with pain, but she fought through it. There were more important matters for her to take care of. And this evil would not stop her.

Once they reached the top of the tower, the ranger beside her yelled and ran at one of the black riders, fighting him off of the small ringbearer lying in the rubble. The mage took the opportunity and followed Strider into the fray, sword clashing against ones much mightier than hers.

But she would not yield. Not to beings as evil as these. Out of the corner of her eye, Cefrey saw the ranger push back the Nazgul with his torch, the light seemed to scare them away. She was quickly brought back to when she first fought off the black riders and she steeled herself. Switching her sword to her left hand, the mage deftly swung and blocked while gathering her strength, before blasting one of the enemies with a bright flash of white light. The Nazgul screeched in pain and swiftly backed away, the light doing more damage than her sword could. Cefrey blinded another alongside the ranger until all the black riders disappeared into the darkness where they belonged.

Sheathing her sword, Cefrey took in some deep breaths, exhausted from the fight she just endured. Without thinking for herself or her own needs, her eyes flicked to the small hobbit gasping for air on the stone. She rushed over to him, pulling his head to rest in her lap. The ranger knelt beside her, a look of sorrow in his eyes behind the mask of seriousness he put up. He picked up a broken blade laying on the ground, his eyes narrowing at the make of it.

"He's been stabbed by a Morgul blade," Cefrey took the dagger from Strider's grasp, looking it over herself before dropping it in shock as it turned to dust in her hands. "This is beyond my skill to heal." He glanced at the mage beside him and she shook her head. She had only seen a wound like that once, and she was but a child. Strider scooped the paling hobbit into his arms, Cefrey standing up soon after. "He needs elven medicine. We must go!"


(A/n) omg it's been a while. I am working on the next part but I also want to update my other fic soon. I have not given up on this story tho! I just fell into some other fandoms for a bit lol. And this one is shorter than normal, I didn't want to add too much more because then I wouldn't have a good time to stop and I like where it ends here lol. Next chapter should be pretty long to make up for it though! thank you for reading, comments, votes, etc are more than welcome!

~ kate

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