Chapter 1

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You rushed to put on your shoes and grab your new coat. White, you weren't used to it but it didn't look too bad on you. You ran out of your room and saw your father.

" Y/N, you forgot your glasses," he said.

You sighed, you hated your glasses but you did need them. Reluctantly you went back to your room and grabbed them.

" Can we go now?" You asked as you rolled your eyes.

" Yeah, come on," He said.

It took a while to get there, you stayed quiet on the way there.

As you walked inside your father noticed how you were acting.

" Y/N, are you alright?" He asked.

" I'm fine, just a little worried," you said.

" You're new. It'll be easy," He said.

For some reason, you just couldn't believe it. Come on, really? 

You went through security and you started to look around. Not noticing your father stepping away for a few seconds.

" Here take this," he said.

" Yay... a clipboard," You say in a sarcastic tone.

" Come on, you knew what you were getting into," he said.

" So what exactly are we doing today?" 

" You'll stay with me for a few days, once you learn the layout and how everything works you'll start going without me. Right now we-"

Someone ran up and whispered something in your father's ear. His face concerned you. He nodded and looked back at you.

" Seems we are having some difficulties. Follow me," He said.

You started to get worried, what could be happening.

He led you to a room and pointed at a seat. 

" Stay here for a little bit, I am needed but I will be back soon," he said.

You crossed your arms, " I'm not a child, surely there is something I can do".

Your father smiled," Fine, we let some SCPs roam so if one comes to you you can play with it. Just, stay here so I know where to find you. Especially if something happens..."

You rolled your eyes, Yay... At least some of these things are nice. 

He walked away leaving you on your own. But not long after someone else walked in. You were a little confused about what they were doing.

" Hey," They said.

You watched as they started to look for something, " What are you doing?".

They laughed, " Looking for 999. It's allowed to be out but I wanted to play with it and I can't find it".

You froze, trying to remember what SCP-999 was.

" Wait, you're new here aren't you?" they asked.

You awkwardly laughed," How did you know?".

" I've never seen you, and I know everyone. Wanna help me?" They asked.

" Oh, I'm waiting for someone, sorry," You said.

They smiled, " It's fine. Just let me know if you see the orange little slime ball okay?".

You smiled and nod as they walk off. You yawn as you realize you are tired. You tried not to fall asleep but you did. Silly you.

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