The Make Out Sesh

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Eddie's POV:

I just came from downstairs after being scolded from my mom.
I took a shower, finally got all that vomit off.
Even thinking about it
makes me gag...
I was in my room when the phone started ringing.
" Hello? "
I said as picked up the phone and it was Richie.
" Eddie, hi. Could you come over?
Just for Y/n's wound you know? Oh and stay over to play video games?"
He said on the other line.
" I would but, can't you guys go to a doctor?
I don't know if I could go out after ummm today. "
I replied biting my lip.
I really wanted to go and help Y/n/n with her leg...
" We would but we wouldn't want our mom knowing.
Could you sneak out?? "
" Fine, but I'm only doing this for Y/n.
Not to play video games. "
" Ok, I'll see you in abit. Just call me when you're gonna leave. Bye. "
" Bye Rich. "
I ended the call.

A few hours later I called Richie to tell him that
I was already coming over since it was around
4 o'clock in the afternoon.
All I needed to do was to climb out the window.
I let the rope down and slowly climbed down. Cause of my arm and soon I made it to
Y/n and Richie's house.
I walked to their doorstep and rung the door bell and sanitized my hands after.
" Eddie, great you're here. "
The door flew open as Richie answered it.
Was hoping for it to be
Not gonna lie......
" Hey Richie. Uh where's Y/n? "
I asked as I walked in.
" Oh she's upstairs, she's been there for awhile actually? "
He responded looking up the stairs.
" Oh... "
I said looking upstairs.
" Just check on her, I'm gonna finish playing
the game. "
Richie said as he walked to the tv.
" Um okay. "
I walked up the stairs and knocked on the door, but there was no answer.
" Y/n, it's Eddie? Could you open the door? "
I asked knocking again.
But nothing.
" Just open the door Ed's! "
I heard Richie shout from downstairs.
I opened the door and to my surprise I see Y/n sleeping on her bed.
Shit, what do I do? Do I wake her? Do I just leave and tell Richie?
I walked in
and closed the door behind me.
Suddenly she turned over facing the wall and revealed her left leg...
It was bleeding through the badly wrapped
When I mean bad, I mean
Parts of the bite marks were still seen....
To add to that... It looked infected?!
That's it.
I need to wake her up.

Y/n's POV:

I was sleeping
when I was woken up by knocking on the door.
It's probably Richie doing another stupid prank...
I closed my eyes and ignored it, but there was knocking again and a faint voice from the other side of the door.
I ignored it again, and tried to go back to sleep.
When Richie opened the door,
Or so I thought it was him..
I turned around facing the wall when I felt and heard Richie walk and hover over me.
" Y/n? "
I heard Eddie?
I still pretended I was asleep and didn't hear him.
" Y/n? You awake? "
He said slowly shaking me.
I turned around facing him now.
" Y/n/n! "
He whispers shouted.
I slowly sat up rubbing my eyes.
" Eddie? What are you- "
I looked at him.
" Richie said I should check on your wound?
He said it's, bad... "
Eddie said as he sat down next to me.
I looked to my leg to see blood had seeped
through the bandages.
" Holy shit. "
I said bringing my leg closer to me.
" Yeah it's bad... Your bed is also kind of covered in blood actually. "
He gagged as he pulled his inhaler out and took a few puffs.
" Now's not the time Kasbrak. Help me up will ya? "
He helped me up when Eddie,
" Let's go to the bathroom, I'll just get some stuff downstairs. "
He said, I heard him go down the stairs..
Eddie went out to get some more stuff when I sat on the bathroom counter waiting for him.

I was a waiting
for a few minutes give or take,
I heard Eddie and Richie talking as they came up from the stairs
When they both suddenly barged in.
" Yes? And what's Richie doing in here? "
I looked at them.
" I wanted to come up Incase you guys would fuck, especially since you both are in,
a bathroom. "
Richie laughed.
" Richie, we're fucking 14. "
I groaned.
" Okay, ready? "
Eddie asked me as I nodded.
He slowly untapped the bandage revealing the bite marks which looked, infected??

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