Ben's Room

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Y/n's POV:

Once we all got on our bikes
we immediately raced to Ben's house to check out more of his stuff about Derry.
As soon as we got to his yard the rest of the losers and I went in his house.
It was nice, not that small, spacious and simple.
I like it!
While we were all enjoying the scenery
inside his home
we saw Ben rush into his room and heard some
thumping and a cabinet closing.
" Don't freak out, just tell us! "
Eddie whisper shouted while we walked
towards his room.
" Yeah. I heard he has a rollercoaster
a pet chimp and
like an old guy's fuckin bones! "
" Yeah! "
I heard My brother and Eddie say as we walked into the room.
" Totally Tubular. "
I said in awe since I was the last one
to enter his room


" Whoa, whoa, whoa. "
I heard words come out from Eddie's mouth.
" Wow! "
Richie shouted as we gazed around his room.
" Cool, huh? "
Ben asked.
" No. No, nothing cool. There's nothing cool.. "
Richie scoffed as Eddie, Stanley
and I we're behind him walking over to some news papers on his bedroom wall.
" Richie! "
I growled and
all he fucking did was give me an eye roll.


" Oh this is cool, right here! "
Eddie said pointing to a photo with some
description on it below it.
I was now in between Eddie and my brother.
" Oh wait no, it's not, it's not cool. "
Eddie mumbled...
" What's that? "
Stan pointed at a paper.
" Oh, that? That's the charter for Derry Township. "
Ben said with amusement.
" Nerd alert. "
Richie said, nudging me by the shoulder.
" Shut up... "
I whispered.
" No, actually, it's really interesting.
Derry started as a beaver trapping camp. "
Ben answered.
" Still is, am I right boys? "
Richie lifted his hand up, I looked to see Stan just
shake his head in a no direction.
" 91 people signed that charter that made Derry.
But later that winter, they all disappeared
without a trace. "
" The entire camp? "
Eddie had a questionable face.
" There were rumors of Indians,
but no sign of an attack.
Everybody just thought it was a plague or something.
But, it's like,
one day everyone just woke up and left.
The only clue was a trail of bloody clothes leading to the well house. "
Ben explained.
" Holy... "
I said looking at a photo of the well.
" Jesus. We can get Derry on Unsolved Mysteries. "
Richie blurted out.
" Let's do that. You're brilliant!! "
Eddie whispered to my brother.
I walk closer to some of the other papers near Ben's closet, so now I was sort of next to Eddie.

I turn back seeing
Beverly's smile beaming and Ben's door with a
New Kids On The Block poster.
I look back to see the 3 boys, we're now rummaging through his drawers?
" I don't know...
Maybe he's just trying to make
some friends, Stanley. "
Richie whispered.
" W - Where was the well house? "
Bill said standing near Ben's desk against the window.
" I don't know. Somewhere in town, I guess?
Why? "
Ben asked when I turned over to Eddie,
he was smelling some bottle and his lips mouthing
" wow. "
What's he doing??
" Nothing. "
Bill whispered his response.

" Whatcha got there Kasbrak? "
I said nudging him.
" No idea but it smells good. "
He said handing it over to me.
" Hm.? "
I smiled while taking a sniff.
" Hey Ben, what is this? "
I asked showing him the bottle.
" Oh, I don't know? It's probably my cologne. "
He replied.
" Heyy, not a bad scent. "
I chuckled.
" Ey Eddie, maybe give some of that to your mom?
Am I right Y/n? "
Richie laughed making me slightly chuckle
" Shut up, Richie! That was so not funny! "
Eddie groaned.
Why does he always say that?
It's kind of cute actually,
" That is so not funny!! "
I chuckled at the thought..
" Uhh guys I gotta get going, need to be home
before lunch. "
Beverly said walking out the door and waving.
" Bye, "
Ben sighed, whispering the last part of her name.
" I need to go too. "
Stan said tugging on the straps of his backpack.
" I'll f - f - f - follow you from b - behind.
B - Bye guys! "
Bill stuttered as I waved to him

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