"My mother is a whore, That's why" I confessed.

Her head whipped towards me so fast I was sure she would get a whiplash. "WHAT??"

Then I started, from the beginning. The words left my mouth with such fluidity. Maya's expression changed from shock to anger to sorrow to anger again. When I finished we both had tears in our eyes. mine was from guilt and hers was from anger and betrayal. The fire burning in those eyes were so powerful it could incinerate my existence from this world. I couldn't meet those eyes.

She remained silent for a while. She was sniffing which was the only way for me to know that she was still here. I was still hunched over. She abruptly stood up and rushed to her room. I followed suit. She almost slammed the door on my face but I caught it just in time. I turned the light on and my breath got hitched in my throat.

Her eyes were red and puffy from all the crying. And her face. . . it was like she lost the last hope. I stepped forward towards her but she put a hand out to stop me. I obliged.

"Maya im so sorry. You have no idea how much pain I was in thinking about what I did, im guilty. I was wrong. I admit it. please talk to me" I moved forward again.

"NO!!!!" she screamed. I jumped back.

"shush.... maya your aunt will-"

"do I look like I care? " she screamed again but this time the voice went down an octave. Tears started to flow from her beautiful eyes, she was shaking with sobs. she clamped a hand over her mouth to muffle the sound.

"please don't cry. I know my betrayal must have hurt-"

"Betrayal? betrayal..." she paced the room "yes your betrayal fucking hurt Adhi. i trusted you, i was in love with you and what did you do? you went and did That."

"you know what hurts more than everything? the fact that you didnt even bother to consider that you could trust ME. That maybe i could've kept your secret. If you had told me then why you had to do what you did sure.. i would have been mad, like any sane person would be, but i would've understood Adhi and maybe.. just maybe i would have been willing to help you through this whole mess. But no...." she accused.

I stood there numb accepting all of her verbal bullets. no matter how painful it was i deserved each and every single one of them. Maya sat on the bed dropped her face into her hands and wept uncontrollably.

i knelt at her feet and grabbed her knees. She looked at me through her wet lashes. i grabbed her hands and removed them from her face. she pulled it back from mine but i kept grabbing it until she gave in. "please.. forgive me maya" i pleaded. "i know i don't deserve it but you. . maya . . i. . i love you. I never stopped loving you. You were the best thing that ever happened to me. But your timing was wrong"

Her eyes narrowed, I immediately corrected "its not your fault. it was a messed up time for me. its no justification for what I did I know. but I want you to know that I know im at fault and im begging for your forgiveness maya" tears blurred my vision. "please" I wept.

Her face softened just a little bit. She squeezed my hands "I believe you Adhi"

My insides burst into a million butterflies. happiness unlike anything ive experienced went through my body. i grinned widely.

"but.." my grin faltered " a relationship is based on trust Adhi. And my trust on you is long gone."

i swallowed. she was right. i knew she didnt trust me. But hearing it from her lips, it was painful than i thought.

she continued "if you ever want there to be an Us, then you need to earn my trust"

"i will. trust me i will" i had finished saying it before i realised my stupidity. A smile broke in maya's face. it ended in a chuckle i didnt realise i was smiling too.

The smile on her face was the end of me. i couldn't resist any longer.

"Maya" i whispered, her eyes met mine "can i kiss you?"

She was shocked i could tell. after a long five minutes, she slowly nodded her head.

And the next thing i know is her hands around my shoulder, mine around her waist pulling her in so close and my lips devouring hers.

But i knew. This kiss meant nothing. If i wanted to be with her i had to earn it. And i will. The feeling that washed over me when i met her lips was so pure.

Home. I was home.


Adhi kissed me like he's dying of thirst and im water. His lips devoured mine. His tongue met my lower lip and i gasped. He took that opportunity to slide his it in. He kissed me with deep strokes and my head spun. my grip on his hair tightened and he groaned in pleasure.

God I missed this.

We soon broke apart and went back to bed. Even though we were facing opposite sides i could occasionally feel his hands brushing my hair and pressing a kiss to my forehead. i didnt dare open my eyes.

When my alarm rang at 4 am Adhi's warm breath woke me up. My head was on his chest, his arms wrapped around my waist and across his stomach.

It should feel wrong, i wanted it to feel wrong. But it didnt. It felt right to me.

I felt at Home


Wedding In Pandemic ( Completed ✔) Where stories live. Discover now