"But cakies." The toddler sulks, not understanding why she isn't getting her way since she's being so cute with her wide eyes and pouted lip.

It works on her dada most of the time and had even worked with her mamma too.

Rowan shakes his head in disbelief.

The two of them were and are weak for her. One look and they'd give her anything if she added a 'pwease', Rowan gathered.

He guessed her health was now in his hands because if it were up to Kian and Kiara, she'd be ninety percent pancakes and ten percent fruit juice.

Can you imagine if she was introduced to fizzy drinks? She'd be getting rolled places by her fourth birthday, Rowan scoffs at his own thoughts before putting his foot down.

"Sorry munchkin but you can't have the goodies if you don't eat anything nutritional. Don't you like raspberries? They're yummy, see?"

Rowan picks up a berry and pops it in his mouth, grinning as he chews it all to show her that different foods can be nice too.

She watches him intently and he waits with baited breath, praying she simply listens and eats her fruit.

Then her eyes flicker behind him.

"Dada? Me have cakies?"


"Sure princess, you want pancakes instead? I bet you've had enough of that boring fruit."

Rowan sends him the most lethal glare, rising from his crouched position to curse out his brother in a whisper.

"Remember the part where you were supposed to be a responsible father? She can't live on pancakes Kian or soon she'll be shaped like one." Rowan lectures the oblivious looking boy.

"Don't be dramatic." He rolls his eyes, "She asked so nicely, how can you say no to that?"

They both turn back to the princess sitting in her pink booster chair, grinning innocently at her two favourite people, swinging her legs back and forth.

"Because she knows no better than what you teach her Kian. You're a grown damn man, well to be honest that's debatable, but she needs a balanced diet. She's a growing girl." Rowan calmly explains.

Kian listens as though it's the first time this thought has ever crossed his mind, and it probably is, he's looking just as wide eyed and naive as his daughter.

The eldest of the three has to bite down his laughter at the sight of the two guilty looking children infront of him.

Some things never change, Kian will always be a big child who does as he pleases.

If he didn't have Rowan to open his eyes he'd let Kiara do whatever she pleases so long as she's safe, happy and fed. Just like he does.

But the difference is, he's the adult and she's the child.

It looks like Rowan has two children to educate.

♡ ♡ ♡ ♡

"Kian, it's your best friend's birthday. You haven't seen him properly in months. Go have a few drinks with him. I promise Kiara won't perish if you leave her for one night."

Rowan pats his stubborn brother on the shoulder, encouraging him to accept the invite to celebrate his life long friends' birthday.

Kian never thought he would be able to say he hasn't even thought about alcohol since taking in his daughter.

Raising Kiaraजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें