And that pretty much sums up her first year. It's been wholesome and adorable.

But I best sign off here, I booked out a soft play centre just for us. I have confidence we'll be well and safe just for this special day. My baby deserves it.

-Lucia and Kiara

♡ ♡ ♡ ♡

"Why you ha-have the same house Gway, and not me?"

Kiara wonders, mispronouncing her partner in crimes name adorably.

She resumes drinking her apple juice through a bright pink straw, with the desperation of a man who's been stranded in the desert for days on end.

The inseparable three kids may aswell be fully related siblings after only knowing one another less than a year.

The only time their parents had to put their foot down and seperate them was when Greyson and Jace left for school and nursery, which Kian still refused to enroll Kiara in.

"J-J ma big bro-dder." Greyson shrugs, stating the only valid reason he knows.

"J-J my bro-dder too." Kiara declares.

To her oblivious three year old mind, brother is another term for best friend for all she cares.

Why should Jace be Greyson's brother and not hers? She loves him just as much, even if he does sometimes get them into trouble.

She's heard the term used by Kian and Rowan many times and even her mother once upon a time, but that doesn't mean she's old enough to grasp the concept of blood related family quite yet.

"Tag, you're it." Jace jumps out of hiding and scares the two three year olds into spilling their juice.

Greyson squeals, more used to his boisterous antics than Kiara and shoots off, running after Jace who has now escaped into the jungle that is Kiara's indoor soft play.

To say they spend more than half of their free time there would be an understatement.

There were times where the more lenient parents, Rowan and Harry, would resort to bringing their meals to them on the highest level of the tower because they'd flat out refused to come down.

Other times when they weren't so lucky and were dealing with a cross Kelly or a cunning Kian, they'd manage to persuade them to come running with slight fear in their eyes.

Wether it be because of Kelly's no nonsense mother mode or Kian's threats to tickle them into tears, they always found a way.

Kiara follows the two boys like a shadow, beginning to gain somewhat of an understanding of how the game works after so many tries.

The only thing the two babies don't seem to comprehend is that it's not a team game since they always tend to gang up on Jace.

It is only fair considering he's bigger and faster than them.

Like clockwork, after ten minutes of back and forth tagging, the children gravitate back to the ground to take generous gulps of their drinks whilst swiping their sweaty hair from their pink faces with their palms.

"J-J no! That Ra-Ra's juice! Naughty J-J!" Grey scolds, trying with all his might to push his big brother away from the timid girl's drink.

" s'okay Gway. J-J have ma juice." Kiara, generous as ever, intervenes in the brewing dispute.

Her heart was too big for her own good. It was a good thing she had Grey to defend her or else Jace would end up bossing her about a bit too much.

"Unco Ki-Ki! J-J stole Ra-Ra juice!" Grey changes tactic, shouting across the room in panic to the young father way too engrossed in the children's cartoon on the tv he'd bought to keep himself entertained while the babies play.

The younger boy has a devious gleam in his eyes, knowing how much trouble Jace is going to be in since it's his uncle Kian looking after them today.

But how could Jace complain? After all, it was him Grey learnt this behaviour from.

"You better start running little spawn or else." Kian warns him darkly, rising from his seat slowly just to scare him that much more.

"Or what?" The overly confident five year old challenges, signing his death warrant.

Kian can't help dropping his jaw slightly in suprise at the little boy's audacity.

How dare he mess with his baby girl and be cocky about it.

Kian pounces and only then does Jace have the sense to start running, entering the low play area just to make it more difficult for Kian to move through to catch him.

A heard of light footsteps aren't far behind him which warms his heart, but whilst Greyson is giggling at what he created, Kiara is frowning in concern for Jace.

"Dadda be nice!" She tries asking, too slow to actually catch him and try to get him to stop.

Jace elegantly slides through each gap and over each obstacle whilst Kian bashes his head and limbs multiple times trying to keep up.

When they move up a level Jace dives for a small tunnel that he knows Kian won't be able to fit through fast enough and taunts him further by turning around to smirk at him.

"Get back here you little sh-"

"Shit!" Jace continues for him, testing out his new favourite word yet again just to get himself into even more trouble.

"You dare say that word again and I will wring your skinny little neck. Trust me, you don't want to owe me a hundred K. You'll never have that amount of money the way you're going you mini thug." Kian lowers his voice in a stern warning, constantly checking over his shoulder to make sure his baby doesn't see him being too mean to her friend.

It all goes straight over Jace's head and he angers the overprotective father even more by sticking out his tongue.

"That's it." Kian snaps, trying his luck with the small tunnel.

Before Jace can make a fast escape, Kian's little helpers appear at the other end of the tunnel, successfully trapping Jace in, allowing Kian to grab his ankle and drag him out.

Jace screams and tears stream down his face as Kian tickles him speechless.

Try swearing now you fricken devil, Kian thinks to himself.

A/n. Omg it might be shorter idk but as if I just bashed out this chapter in the time since I uploaded the last one?!?!

Proud of myself bc I feel like it was a good one too.

Well, I best be getting some Z's so I can do it all again tomorrow.

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