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The weekend was now over and everyone had to go back to work,and today was the day veer starts his therapy lessons,with bani he got to her office and entered
Bani:wow so what happened to knocking
Veer:I dont knock
Bani: whatever,take a seat
Veer sat on the couch and there was silence for 5 mins
Bani:so are you going to talk now or not
Veer:not really
Bani sighed and took off her specs and said
Bani:I can't help you if you don't talk to me
Veer:I did not ask for your help
Bani:then why the hell are you here wasting both put times
Veer:I am here for bela,and you probably already know what happened in my past
Bani:no I only know belas past and I think your is similar yet worse then her so please do me a favor and describe your childhood in one word
Veer: survival
Bani:and decide your pain in one word
Bani: decide your feelings in one word
Bani:ok,have you ever thought that you might have IED and trauma about your past,how many hours do you sleep at night
Veer: zero
Bani: insomnia
Veer:yes thank you for stating the obvious
Bani:and you have stage 3 depression,so I am going to give you pills that you have to take at certain times of the day ok?,ok (giving him a piece of paper) here is your prescription and I will see you on 2 days,bye now
Veer nodded and left her office and bani sighed and sat on her chair she closed her eyes thinking veer was only her 3rd patient for the day she still had 4 more to go until she can go home and relax,luckily in 5 days she had a day off and man was she happy about that,she could finally relax abit,but before she could have a day off she had to talk to over 30 more patience,well perks of being one of the best therapist in the world,she slammed her head on the table and groaned

At singhania industry
Veer entered his cabin and saw Mahir sitting there
Mahir:hey how did it go
Veer:ok,your sister prescribed medication for me
Mahir:what is it
Veer:I don't know I did not look at it
Mahir took the prescription and started reading it
Mahir:ok at least you don't have so much heavy medication there is only one
Veer:what is it
Mahir:I don't know,but in brackets it says for your insomnia
Veer:oh ok,but we have a big day so we have to start working...

Precap: because...

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