{Chapter 4} Welcome to Weasley Wizard Wheezes

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I frowned; I was stilling getting grief for that mistake. I sighed; it was rather hard this time trying to win Marley over, a lot harder than last time, that’s for sure.


I jumped down the last few steps as I looked at the somewhat dark empty joke shop. I smiled as I started to get it ready for the day, with a swish of my wand. I smiled; I do love magic at times like these. So, now all we needed were the employees and some customers to start off the day. I heard the front shop door open as I quickly turned around with a large grin on my face, waiting to greet her. “Mar-“I stopped myself as soon as I realized it wasn’t Marley, it was actually Verity. My grinned turned slightly down. “Oh um Morning Verity.” I replied awkwardly, feeling somewhat guilty I almost called Verity, Marley. I guess I really was just too eager to see Marley.

“Good Morning Mr. Weasley.” She replied with a large smile looking up at me, she was oblivious to the mistake I had made a few seconds ago. “Is that one girl here yet?” Verity called out coldly as she walked towards the cashier counter.

I rolled my eyes, “No Marley is not here yet Verity.” I called out as I continued to glance out the window every now and again.

“First day on the job and she’s already going to be late?” Verity asked with a slight smirk, I ignored her, I wondered sometimes why it seemed like that girl had it out for Marley.

Before I could respond, however, George and Caitlin descended the bottom step. “Is Marley here yet?” I heard Caitlin ask just as eagerly as I was.

“No, not yet.” I responded as she frowned slightly.

“Aw, but I wanted to see her and Clary before I left.”

“Well I’m sure she’ll be here soon.” George said and as soon as he did the shop door flew open. Revealing a wind stricken Marley in sweats, an orange tee and her curly brown locks pulled back in a messy ponytail. I looked down to see her holding a small backpack in one hand while her other hand was gripping Clary’s. I smiled at the little girl to see that she basically looked like a miniature version of Marley with her sweats, white tee and messy ponytail. She, however, looked much more tired as her hand looked like it was trying to rub the sleep away from her eyes.

“I’m sorry I’m late…” Marley replied breathlessly. “I forgot to set my alarm…” she said as I noticed her cheek turn somewhat pink.

I smiled as I looked at the beautiful girl, she was completely oblivious. “Oh no worries, this only means that-“I started as George finished for me with a grin.

“We get to change your hair color to any color we want for today!” George exclaimed with a grin as I smiled at Marley. Her eyes turned big and her mouth hung open.

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” She replied as both George and I shook our heads with a grin. “C-Caitlin?”

“Sorry Marley, it’s true, just ask Verity.” Caitlin said as she looked over at Verity who just glared at Marley and continued to go back to her work. “Or not… Well I would help you out, but I’m already running late. Wish I could stay, I’ll see you all later.” Caitlin said as she turned towards George as he bent down slightly and gave her a peck on the lips, I disgruntled my face a bit. She then looked over at the sleepy form of Clary and walked over to her giving her a hug. “I’ll see you later munchkin.” She said poking Clary’s stomach as she giggled and nodded. She stood up and looked at Marley giving her a cheeky smile. “Good luck, God knows you’ll need it.” And with that we heard a crack and she was gone.

I'll Remember Someday... Fred Weasley (Final Installment of Marley Series)Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu