Chapter 2

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Ben, Gwen, and Kevin had ditched Mr. Smoothies and were in Kevin's car headed for Baltimore.

"We need to get there fast!" Said Ben.

"Baltimore is a three-hour drive from Bellwood!" Said Kevin. But then Kevin smiled. "Or it would be if we weren't in my ride."

Kevin then flipped some switches and pushed some buttons on his car's console and the car began to have alien tech coming out of every part of it.

"Engaging thrusters!" Said Kevin.

The car moved at lightning speeds through the roads. Autopilot kept the car from hitting anything.

"We should be in Baltimore in no time." Kevin said.

"We better. We can't let Vilgax hurt anyone!" Said Ben.

"Do you think we should call in anybody?" Gwen asked.

"Are you kidding?! It's the three of us and one of him!" Said Kevin.

"This is not how I thought this day would go." Said Ben.

"It's not your fault, Ben. We'll stop Vilgax and then go out for burgers and chili fries like old times." Gwen said.

Ben smiled at his cousin. "Yeah. Just like old times." Ben said.

Kevin stopped the car. "We're here." Said Kevin.

The trio got out of the car and looked at the giant spaceship above them. They saw Vilgax's drones flying around the city. Two of the drones stopped and looked at them.

"VILGAX!" Ben yelled at the drones.

A teleport beam came from the ship. Vilgax stepped out.

"Ben Tennyson! How nice of you to welcome me to your backwater planet!" Vilgax said.

Vilgax was a large, seven-foot-tall, green humanoid octopus-like alien, with tentacles coming from his chin looking like a beard. He wore crimson red armor.

"You're leaving Earth, Vilgax. Right now!" Ben said.

"You're outnumbered, Tennyson." Vilgax said.

"Do the math. Three of us, one of you." Kevin said.

"Hardly, Kevin Levin." Said Psyphon as he stepped forward.

Psyphon was always loyal to Vilgax. Psyphon was paste white with red eyes and a pointed fin coming from his forehead. He wore black robes.

"I'm not surprised to see you here, Psyphon." Ben said.

"Well, I'm sure you'll be surprised to see me." Said a voice that sounded like Ben's.

"Albedo." Ben said.

Albedo stepped forward. "Hello, Ben Tennyson." Albedo said.

Albedo looked just like Ben except he had white hair and red eyes. He was once an alien called a Galvan, but he tried to recreate the Omnitrix and succeeded. Except it was linked to the original Omnitrix and it turned him into a flawed version of Ben Tennyson. He wore a red version of Ben's jacket and his own red Omnitrix.

"Still mad at me for your condition?" Ben asked Albedo.

"Of course I am! I am trapped in a sweaty, noisy, disgusting human body! Constantly craving chili fries!" Albedo yelled.

"Well, three on three evens things I guess." Gwen said.

"How about four on three? Lovely Gwen." Said Darkstar as he stepped out.

Darkstar was once Michael Morningstar. A Meta-human that could control sunlight. However, he became obsessed with Gwen's powers and ended up going mad. He wore a gray metal suit and helmet to cover up his gray shriveled body.

Ben 10: Vilgax ReturnsWhere stories live. Discover now