"And I assume P.J. doesn't know?"

"I don't think he's ever looked his way," MJ snorted. "Does your brother have anger issues or something?"

C.C. was taken by surprise. "Not that I know of... Why?"

"Some guys invited him to the football tryouts but he said something about not being allowed to partake in sports that could agitate him. What's his deal?"

"Ah, that," She chuckled nervously. "Yeah, er... well you know how we were homeschooled..."


"He's got this heart condition, he gets too tired way too easily," She hoped she could remember her lie by the time lunch hour arrived. "Our parents decided to keep him in the house until he was strong enough. I was homeschooled too so he didn't feel like he was the only one missing out but I got tired of it. I insisted on going to a real school, and he followed me out."

"Kinda cool that you guys have such a good relationship, not all siblings get along," MJ nodded. 

"Yeah well, that's what reclusion does," She sighed. "You learn to appreciate the people around you."

"What about you? Got any weird heart conditions?"

"Not really."

"Then you should try for a team. What about swimming?"

"Don't like water that much, thanks."


"Don't like tight outfits."

"But you wear all kinds of skirts all the time! You're wearing one right now!"

C.C. pressed her palms against the corduroy of her skirt and shrugged. "I don't like the school's cheerleader uniform."

"We'll find you something..."

"Why are you so interested in finding me a hobby?" She raised a brow.

"I don't want you to miss out," MJ smiled at her awkwardly. "Peter told me you've been worried about having to leave school now that your uncle's selling his tower. You should live the whole high school experience before... if that happens."

She felt deeply touched by the gesture, but she didn't want to think about that at the moment.

"Maybe help me out by telling P.J. to reject Flash once and for all, I don't like the way he stares at me."


"If Tony calls—"

"You're in the bathroom, I'll pretend I'm standing right outside of it and you'll speak through that beeper Parker gave you so it sounds like you're inside."

"I'll be trying to keep an eye on my watch," She walked out of Pietro's apartment. "I'll be back by midnight!"

She rushed to the roof using Pietro's powers, once there she activated the camouflage mode and turned on the jetpack, Peter was waiting for her near the Chrysler building.

"How nice to see you, Mr. Spider," C.C. landed next to him, she heard him chuckle.

"Where've you been?"

"Got some family issues, you know, life can't be perfect all the time. But I decided to have a little bit of fun!"

"Well, I'm glad you could join me tonight. Where would you like to go? Your pick."

"Let's go around see if we find something interesting."

It'd barely been twenty minutes when Peter spotted a group of men stealing from an ATM.

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