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She slammed closed Pietro's locker. He jumped away before she could trap his head inside. 

"Call Tony, you'll tell him we're doing a movie night, he won't check because he couldn't care less about where I am as long as I'm not annoying him."

"But in reality, you'll be..." The boy prompted.

"Patrolling the city with our friendly neighborhood spider-man," She smiled. 

"I thought you no longer had the suit?" Pietro reopened his locker. "Didn't Tony take it back to the compound?"

"The new suit, but the old suit," C.C. smirked. "It's tucked under my mattress."

"The mask and the lenses?"

"Peter's kept them safe, he'll hand them over during lunch."

"So he's helping you?"

"He wants my help," She corrected. 

"Or he really likes you and doesn't want you to be sad," Pietro zipped his bag and closed the locker with his shoulder. 

"He likes Liz, I told you."

"I know her," He replied. "Cute girl, really social, already invited me to like three parties... Peter's got no shot."

"You don't know that."

"I do know," He frowned. "Liz would eat him up. Maybe he's gotten that suicidal instinct male spiders have and he's looking for someone who will rip his head off. That'd mean he definitely likes you, though."

"Jerk," C.C. punched his arm. "I'm not a monster, and neither is Liz. F-Y-I, she's involved in lots of clubs, they know each other from the Academic Decathlon, she's the captain. So you see, I don't think he's got no chance."

"Hmm... then she might get in the way. I could take care of her if you want."

The girl stared at him. "If you mean you could ask her out to distract her from Peter, I don't think that's fair for either of them, if you mean to disappear her from the school, please don't touch her."

"I meant to ask her out," He rolled his eyes. "What do you mean it's not fair? All girls want me, I'm doing her a favor."

"You're disgusting..."

The teenagers continued to bicker until they found themselves standing outside her classroom, she entered -showed her middle finger to send him off- and stumbled onto Flash Thompson.

"What now?" She asked. "Can't you wait until lunch to tease me about being less good-looking than my brother or whatever?"

"I was actually going to say that you look really nice today," He said in a strangely formal tone. "Very pretty. Is that a new sweater?"

She looked down at the jacket she was wearing.

"It's Peter's."

Giving him one last eery look she made her way to MJ at the back of the classroom, where the girl looked at her with a smile.

"Had a nice talk with Flash?"

"What was that about?" She sat next to her. "Last year he relished on throwing slices of ham at me!"

"He thinks you're cute now," MJ stated. "Now that your hair's under control, your clothes are less weird and you wear more than one pair of shoes. Oh, and he also wants your brother to take him under his wing so he's part of the cool kids again."

"What do you mean 'again'?"

"The Seniors are gone," Her friend explained. "The ones that used to bully Peter? They graduated last year. Flash is on the lookout for a new tail to follow and it seems he's chosen P.J."

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