The other thing

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This robot becomes a sexy and alluring performer and is given the goal to corrupt the working class. Madonna, Beyonce, Kylie Minogue and many others have taken the likeness of this female robot and, as you'll see in the "Paparazzi" video, Lady Gaga also continues this "tradition".
Her logo is pretty revealing and particularly fitting. Its a headless female body with a bolt of lightning going through her and exiting her genitalia. There is once again a focus on the lack of conscious thought by the singer. The body looks like the weird headless mannequins you find at clothing stores. The bolt of lightning implies that her thoughtless body has been "charged" with a force that gives it life. You only need to look at a couple of Lady Gaga pictures or videos to notice that she is constantly hiding one of her eyes. Most people will simply interpret this as "a cool thing to do" or a "fashion statement". Those who have passed the 101 of Illuminati symbolism know that the All-Seeing Eye is probably its most recognizable symbol. The gesture of hiding one eye, usually the left one, goes way back in occult orders. This last picture is very significant. One can't ignore the resemblance with good ol' Baphomet the devil. Almost all of Lady Gaga's videos contain occult symbolism and not-so-subtle hints referring to mind control. In one video, Lady Gaga is talking in a vaporous and robotic way, as if she was lobotomized, about a man who "swallowed her brain". Gaga is questioned by a man who is talking in a very strange and hypnotic matter. If this is not about mind control, I have no idea what it's about.
In another video, Lady Gaga is in a bedroom with her boyfriend and they're 'getting it on'. He takes her outside on the balcony where he pushes her off. While falling down, the background becomes a swirling pattern, typically associated with hypnotism. Lady Gaga falls down rather stylishly, hinting the fact that this descent is not physical. It represents the 'trauma' victims of mind control have to go through in order to be "rebuilt from scratch". Lady Gaga then enters a mansion in a wheel chair and gradually takes off her clothes. She is dressed like a robot, hinting Maria from the movie Metropolis.

After carrying out her murderous mission, Lady Gaga is more popular than ever and reaps the rewards of being an Illuminati slave. If you are still doubtful of the occult themes of these videos, check out this snapshot. The director of the video 'Paparazzi' is wearing a Venom shirt, bearing the face of Baphomet and the Sigil of the Church of Satan.
Another scene shows her dancing in a half white, half black wedding dress. This signifies her (forced) association with the 'dark Brotherhood'. Her transformation is then complete. We then see her next to the boyfriend that pushed her off the balcony. She is wearing Mickey Mouse clothes, hinting once again Monarch programming. She is behaving in a very robotic way, as if her thoughts and actions were controlled by someone else. Gaga then proceeds to poison the guy and smiles very weirdly about it. The fact that she murdered her boyfriend refers to the level "Delta" of the Monarch project, which is also known as the 'killer' programming. Lady Gaga incorporates in her videos, photos and shows symbolism that refers to the Illuminati and mind control. Her symbolism is deep, esoteric and even spiritual. While masses of young people imitate Gaga's gestures, her act is part of a bigger system, making her a puppet of the Illuminati.

Lady Gaga, Satanism and the IlluminatiOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz