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I gagged as the vodka ran down my throat. What was that? Shot number....5? I'd lost count. We've probably been here for like two hours. I've met a bunch of the boy's friends, including Michael's girlfriend Crystal. Everyone's been really nice.

"So where are you from originally?" Luke asked, putting down his shot glass. Somehow he and I had ended up alone in in the kitchen together, taking shots, I wasn't sure where Amelia and Addison had gone.

"Oh I'm from Boston!" I said, swaying a little. "I assume you're from Australia?"

"You'd be correct." He smiled, looking down at me.

"Hey...you guys smoke at all?" I asked figuring they did. I don't know very many guys in their 20's who like to party and don't smoke.

"Of course! Why you want?" He asked.

"Yes please!" I gave my best puppy dog face. Every time I drank I wanted to get high.

"You're cute. Follow me"

He led me down the hall and stepped into a room, that I assumed was his, and came back out with some supplies. I followed him to the back deck.

We sat and looked at the stars as he rolled a joint. "Hey you're pretty good at that."

"Lot of practice" Luke smirked.

I had to admit. I was really attracted to him. He was tall, with curly hair, and pretty eyes, what more could I ask for? I watched him as he put the joint into his mouth, lit it up, and took a long hit. It was hot. He passed it to me and smiled.

We sat there for a while, talking and smoking, it was nice to get out of the party for a little while. I shivered a little.

"You cold?" He asked. "Come here." He patted the bench next to him.

I gave an awkward little smile and got up and sat next to him, he put his arm around my shoulder. I looked up at him, and he looked back. "You have pretty eyes" Oh god. I wasn't even thinking as that came out of my mouth.

I think he saw the nervous expression on my face, because he chuckled, blushed, and said "Thanks...I actually get that a lot."

"I'd believe it." I said looking up at the stars. I could feel his eyes on me. I turned back to look at him. He looked like he wanted to say something, as he leaned a little closer to me. My heart beat faster, as the space between our lips decreased.

"CAMI!" The back door flew open, Amelia came outside. "We gotta goooooo I'm gonna throw up."

I quickly snapped out of my moment with Luke, and jumped out of my seat "Oh! Okay! Um....Bye Luke!"

"Bye..." He said startled.

"Let's get you home hun." I giggle putting an arm around Amelia, guiding her out. I glanced over my shoulder back at Luke, who just stared back at me.

I feel like this can't be it for us.

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