Chapter 16- A Bit Of A Situation

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"You're what!!" Kristen screams and Amanda rolls her eyes, continuing to lean back against the couch in her living room as though she doesn't have a care in the world.

"You're being very dramatic. The doctor agreed with me and said there must be some mistake," she reveals and Kristen stares at her brilliant best friend and begins to wonder if all that time spent in isolation while she pretended to be dead had knocked a screw loose.

"He said that because you bullied him into it! I mean look at you, you're terrifying." Amanda raises her brows before looking down at her body and back at her best friend.

"I weigh 125 pounds and I'm 5' 11". What about that screams scary?"

"Um, I don't know, your general countenance. The words you choose to use for the specific purpose of making people fear you. The fact that you think that when someone tells you that you're pregnant you can just say no and it will go away!"

"Krissy, you're putting too much weight on one stupid test. I don't have any symptoms of pregnancy. No morning sickness. No bloating. No pain in my breasts. I don't even feel like I have a minor cold. Not to mention, there's no way I could be pregnant. I haven't had sex in over a year. Newsflash, you aren't pregnant for a year. It's probably like a drug test. I ate something that made it go haywire." She shrugs it off as if it were no big deal and Kristen realizes that there is a screw loose.

Well, maybe not a screw loose, but a bit of a mishap with her memory which included a pretty big and very important detail. "Ames, first off, I would like to point off that there were so many incorrect things in that statement and I'm astonished that you didn't pick up on any of them." The blonde shoots her friend a confused look.

"What's with the SAT word, babes? Did you find a dictionary and get bored enough to read it?"

"Okay, first off, I'm going to put that bitchiness down to mood swings as I've always been smart."

"Excuse me, but I never said you weren't smart," Amanda states defensively, wondering why Kristen is being so insistent on this issue. Even Aaron, who was there, hadn't been this concerned with the possibility of her being knocked up. "What I said was that you're suddenly using big words when in the past you've been perfectly content to dumb everything down because you couldn't be bothered, so what gives? If my brother is making you change to suit his liking, I'm going to kick his ass. You don't need to change for anyone."

"Aww," Kristen says, taken aback by the sweetness of her best friend's statement while the blonde just groans.

"Jesus, you say I have mood swings. Are you sure that you aren't pregnant?"

"OMG, what if I was?" Kristen acknowledges, suddenly way too excited at the prospect. "Our babies could totally play together and if we had a boy and a girl they could get married someday!"

"They'd be cousins, Kristen." The brunette frowns before huffing.

"Damnnit, I forgot about that. Why did I have to go and fall in love with your brother?"

"I ask myself that constantly," Amanda mumbles, making Kristen glare at her before remembering what she was saying.

"Well, at least I'm not convincing myself I'm not pregnant when I hadn't eaten anything all day to set off a false positive and telling myself I hadn't had sex in a year when there was a sex tape made of you that paints a very different picture," she sneers and Amanda suddenly jerks up as she remembers that she had, in fact, slept with Spencer after he saved Maeve.

"But that would make me three months pregnant," she tries to reason. "People start to show by two months and they have cravings and morning sickness and a whole load of other things to tell them that they're pregnant. Plus, we used protection."

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