Chapter 15- Coming Back From the Dead

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Returning to work was difficult for Amanda. It took a month to get cleared for field duty and then another month to adjust to working with a team once more. After months of not having to answer to anyone or worry about anyone else, it was hard to remember that she needed to cover other people or find solutions that aren't just killing the people that are trying to kill you. She finally managed to adjust with the help of the team and her best friend.

Eventually, Spencer tried to convince her that they should get back together and she had rejected him once more. This led to where she currently sits, holed up in her office doing paperwork the same way Aaron used to when he was avoiding acknowledging that Haley was cheating on him. She isn't sure how long she had stretched out the paperwork but she looks up at the knock that sounds on her door.

"It's 3 am," Aaron tells her and Amanda frowns.

"Why are you still here? Don't you have a family to get home to?"

"Kristen's worried about you. She says you're avoiding Spencer."

"How does she know?"

"He complains to her," Hotch answers, a small smirk falling onto his face at the thought of how close his girlfriend had gotten to his sister's boyfriend.

"Yeah, well, they should both get a life."

"No, you need to start living yours. So why aren't you?" Amanda debates answers before deciding that there's no point in lying.

"I don't know how, anymore. I guess I'm stuck waiting for the other shoe to drop."

"What do you mean?" He asks, taking a seat, and the blonde frowns.

"After I killed Foyet, things were okay for a while. The team was just glad that we were okay but then..."

"Things changed," he supplies and she nods.

"It sunk in that I wasn't the person they thought I was. That I was more similar to the people we hunt than they ever believed."

"Amy, you are nothing like the people we hunt."

"Aaron I killed 800 people trying to figure out who was trying to kill you guys only to find out I was the one in danger. Are you seriously telling me that I get some kind of an exception because...what? I help catch the psychopaths too?"

"You're different because you aren't a psychopath, Amanda. You did what you had to do to survive. None of us are going to fault you for that."

"You don't get to decide that, Aaron. Just because you don't fault me that doesn't mean that Derek or JJ or anyone else that decided I was a grade-A serial killer last time don't feel differently."

"Amanda, it's been two months and none of them have even implied that they thought you were a bad person. It isn't like last time. You surprised them last time. They know what to expect now."

"What about Blake? She doesn't even know me," she points out.

"And yet, she hasn't said a thing either. Now go home and get some sleep. This replicator case only seems to be getting worse."

"Whatever you say, brother dearest," she taunts and he chuckles, standing up before shooting her a look. She groans but stands as well only for her to wobble on her feet.

"Amanda," Hotch says, worry clear in his voice.

"I'm fine, I just stood up too fast," she assures before taking a step. Hotch watches as her eyes roll to the back of her head and he rushes her, managing to catch her before she collapses.

"Anderson," he yells and the younger agent rushes into the room and takes in the blonde. His eyes widen.

"Is she okay?"

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