you blush. kazuha was talking about her? your stomach was starting to loosen up after hearing that.

"k-kokomi!! she's...just joking! we were heading over to lunch and just catching up, since we were friends in grade school." kazuha says, his ears turning red.

"ah, i see...can i join you guys if you're eating together then?" you ask skeptically, as kazuha smiles and nods, kokomi doing the same.

"of course!" they say in unison, as you nervously smile.


you all decided to eat lunch at a nearby ramen place, since classes were over for today.

"so, kazuha! how have you been? it's been awhile, hasn't it? man, i can still remember you in 3rd grade, writing those little love letters to-"

"i'm good!! yeah, erm, we don't need to mention that..." he replied awkwardly. the tension in the room just got 10x worse.

"oh, alright then. but, your face back then was so cute! i remember just talking to yoimiya about it. remember yoimiya??" she asks, begging the question.

"oh, yeah. she always talked about the firework company her family owned. it was pretty cool though, i wonder how she's doing now." he says, lost in thought.

"i agree! i haven't been in touch with her lately, though i think she's doing alright. you know, thoma?" she giggled, nudging kazuha's shoulder.

"ohhh, yes. she should be fine then." he lightly laughs, as kokomi visibly clings onto his arm, laughing along with him. man, watching all of this PDA made you want to throw up.

you didn't know any of these people or what they were talking about. you were late to the party, so all you could do was stand back and watch. you hold your head in your hands as you watch kokomi finally let go of kazuha.

he would never...he wouldn't. you kept repeating that in your head over and over again. but...she was beautiful. not to mention, likely smart too. you knew she was an amazing girl, but...


after eating a nice, warm bowl of ramen, it really calmed you down. thank god for ramen.

after the three of you finished, you parted with kokomi. now, it was just both you and kazuha, walking to your homes that were just right next to each other.

you could tell he wanted to hold your hand on the way walking down the street. but you were hesitant. you didn't know if you wanted to. you did, but...

"y/n, are you okay?"

the sudden question caught you off guard as you looked over to kazuha. you were both right outside your houses.

"yes...i'm fine."

"no, you're not."

he replies before taking your hand and leading you to his house, opening the door and locking it once you were both inside.

he corners you against the wall, caressing your face as you look at him nervously.

"...what's wrong?"


you gulp before telling him.

"sorry. i'm just...i don't know. i know you wouldn't. i know, but..."

you look to your right, not wanting to look into his eyes. you knew he was staring at you.

he turned your head to look at him.

"y/n, look at me."

you close your eyes before opening them and looking back at him. he gazed into your eyes worryingly.

"y/n, i'm sorry. you're right. i never imagined it. i would've never gone for her, okay? if she told me she loved me, i wouldn't care. well, i would, but i don't feel the same way. i love you, y/n. i'm truly in love with you. only you. you're mine, and i'm yours. that's all there is to it." he reassures, kissing your forehead.

your eyes widen. a tear falls down your face, as you smile, and embrace him.

he truly loved you, and you loved him. there was nothing to be jealous about.

"i love you, kazuha. too much. i' love with you too." you confess, remembering that night outside where you had confessed your feelings to him, and he felt the same.

"i know you are, y/n. and i'm glad." he laughs, holding your head as you both lightly kiss before pulling away.

"...did you want to go upstairs?" you ask.

" parents won't be home tonight. they're spending the night somewhere else." he replies.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

just speedwrote this, so enjoy LMAO
also, this was requested by @iwouldbarkforkazuha

fallen leaves ; kazuha x reader (modern au)Where stories live. Discover now