there for each other 🍃

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sprinting down the sidewalk of the street,

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sprinting down the sidewalk of the street,

you desperately attempt to rush your way to kazuha's house. out of breath, too many thoughts were clouding your mind all at once.
not to mention, you were soaked from the rainstorm that had been coming down for the past hour.

were you homesick? tired? nobody possibly knows, had already been rushing to the conclusion you had come to, and you'd finally arrived.

you pant a few times, as you take a moment to catch your breath from running for about 10 minutes straight. what a world record, you thought, as you gently knock on the door.

no answer.

you knock again, with a bit more force this time, as you hear a bit of shuffling come from the open window that appeared to be upstairs. was that kazuha?

you decide to wait patiently and take a few deep breathes as you let the person go downstairs and get to the door.

finally, the door had opened, and what welcomed you was a familiar face that brought you comfort every time you had seen it. it was kazuha, smiling at you as you smiled back. there had been slight eyebags under his eyes, as his hair looked a bit ruffled; perhaps from a nap.

"...y/n!! you're soaked!! oh gosh, i apologize, it took me a minute to get to the door." he softly apologizes, as you rub the back of your neck.

"aaahh, it was fine! you don't need to apologize for anything, in fact, i apologize for coming here on such sort notice...i was just....kind of in a hurry, i guess." you reply in embarrassment, scratching the bottom of your chin.

"i see...actually, shouldn't class still be ongoing? you're here quite early...don't tell me you-"

"n-no! i didn't skip...class just seemed to end early, is all..." you say, as kazuha looks at you with an unconvinced expression, causing you to nervously sweat.

"h-hey, why are you looking at me like that..." you awkwardly say in an attempt to diffuse the current tension between you two, but it didn't work, as he got closer to you, causing you to lean back a little bit.

"y/n...did something happen in class today?" he asks, as if he were there with you and knew exactly what you had done. your eyes widen at his response; was he psychic or something?!

"no...!! it's all perfectly fine, we just got...a bit lucky, y'know? haha..."

"...alright, whatever you say, then. would you like to come inside?" he asks, switching the topic as he stands back away from you, creating quite a distance between the both of you. you look back at his face with sparkly eyes as you see his face was a little red. was he nervous..? or was he blushing?

fallen leaves ; kazuha x reader (modern au)Where stories live. Discover now