The girls go quiet as they start to wonder how long (Y/N) has been like this. Ozpin looks at the team and feels sympathy for them as he too has kept secrets from people. As the girls keep thinking and pouting, Ozpin grabs their attention back by clearing his throat.

Ozpin: So ladies, what my request is to you, is that I want you four.... to build Mr. (L/N) a new weapon with these ores so that he can rely on dust more. I am doing this because I don't want to see one of my old students die again. And I know for a fact that YOU four don't wanna see HIM dead especially.

The girls nodded vigorously becoming more determined to help their brother. Ozpin smiles and pushes the crate towards them closer.

Ozpin: Then I believe it's in my best opinion that you four make this weapon.

Blake: But why us? Why not some other designer?

Ozpin: Because you four know him the best and I think he deserves a gift from his sisters for doing so much for them over the years. Am I right?

RWBY: Yessir!

*Flash-back end*

Back in the room, we see Ruby putting the final touches on the weapon design.

Ruby: Aaaaannnnnndddddd......... DONE! (Drops pencil and backs up in chair) Phew! That took quite awhile. What do you girls think?

The girls walk up to Ruby's desk and take a look at the drawings and are quite impressed with the final design of the weapon.

_WBY: Not bad./It's perfect for Onii-chan./THAT'S SO BADASS LOOKING!!!

Ruby: Swear! And I do hope Onii-chan likes it. Did you guys find a weapon smith to help with this.

Weiss: I may have found one.

Yang: Awesome! So now we can-


The girls turned to look at the door wondering who is knocking.

Ruby: Who is it?!

(Y/N): It's me girls! Is it ok to come in?

Ruby looks down at her work space that was littered with notes and weapon design specs, she then panicked by starting to try and hide the papers and her notebook.

Ruby: Uh y-yeah... come on in!

The door opens to reveal (Y/N) and Kanao with Zwei on his leash in (Y/N)'s hand. They come in and the immediate thing that (Y/N) realizes is is the mess on Ruby's desk as he becomes suspicious of this and decides to push the question on his mind.

(Y/N): Why's your desk such a mess rosebud?

Ruby: Umm.... I uh....

Weiss: I-I've been helping her with her school work. She's been having trouble with understanding some of the uh... lessons.

(Y/N): Oh ok. Well me and Kanao thought that we should all take a stroll around Vale and see the festivities get set up.

Weiss then lights up with happiness as she came up with an idea.

Weiss: That sounds like a wonderful idea! Just gives us a few minutes to get ready and we'll meet you two at the landing pad. Sound good?

Blake looks at Weiss with a confused look until she realized what Weiss was planning. Which made her smile slightly at her sisters genius plan.

Kanao: That's fine.

(Y/N): Alright cool! We'll see you girls there in 10 minutes.

They then leave the dorm with the other girls looking at Weiss with looks of confusion. Well except for Blake.

Abused RWBY x Big Brother ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now