Chapter ten

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The next few days passed by in a blur. I continued training with Zai at night, and then we'd talk for a while, sometimes hours. Mostly, we spoke of her home. What she thought of her king and some of the other Lords. She had been too young to care much for politics, but she had certainly been able to tell when a person was good or not.

Apparently, there was a civil war going on in her country. Or at least something like it. People rioting in the streets and murdering guards. Zai claimed it was likely due to corrupt Lords or other nobles. They'd been that way for a long time, she'd said, and it was only a matter of time before people rose up. She'd seemed saddened by it, and I hadn't wanted to push the subject further for fear of angering her.

I had also begun learning how to stand on the railing of the ship. It was terrifying, I'd found, but there was a rope hanging down on the right side of where Jasper always stood, and he told me that it was okay if I needed to hold onto it. Admitted that he still did the same thing. "It helps me keep my balance," he'd said.

It was nearing midday when someone called out, "Captain! The island!"

I looked to the front of the boat and, sure enough, there it was—a green mountain on the horizon. I turned to Zai, finding her grinning widely. It was a smile I'd never seen on her face before, but one I knew I'd kill to see again. To see her so happy.

We headed straight for the island, Eulia, Zai had said it was called, and arrived in about a half-hour. And when we did, Zai began calling out orders, telling who would stay on the boat and who would go with her.

Faxon, I noticed, she'd assigned to stay. And he was sulking about it near the wheel of the ship. But once she got to a man named Voss, telling him to come with her, he instantly objected.

I stood and stepped closer to where Zai stood in front of her cabin, watching her sigh deeply and turn to Faxon, who was now heading down the stairs.

Faxon had to be at least a head taller than her, but Zai held her ground. Didn't retreat even one step as he stopped only a foot away from her. "I need him on that island," she said. "He's mapped some of it before. He can help us navigate."

"Then I'm coming with you," Faxon said, his voice low, threatening.

I tensed from where I stood, near the edge of the small crowd that had gathered.

"I need you here," Zai countered. "You are my Quartermaster. Your job is to watch the ship when I am not there to do so. Would you like to resign?"

He bared his teeth, but then a man —Voss —from the crowd hissed, "Faxon!"

Faxon stared him down for a long moment before Voss jerked his head towards the right side of the ship.

Letting out a soft growl, Faxon followed him towards the right canons, where they spoke too quietly for me to hear.

Zai then continued to give orders on where everyone was to be, but when she got to me, she paused a moment before saying, "How would you like to go on an adventure, Bedelia?"

I blinked. I had assumed she'd rather me stay on the ship. That I'd only get in the way. I'd been getting better at swordplay, but I still wasn't good enough to hold my own against an opponent.


She gave a small smile. "Does that island call to you?" she asked, motioning to the nearby shore.

I turned to it, scanning the foliage. I couldn't deny the urge to go and explore. The urge to see as much of this world as I could. It was part of what had led me through nearly every town in Auchten.

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