"Ohh" was the only word that I could reply before he continued, what he said next grabbed my attention.

" You know I met your mum at Irene, we were both students of that University.

"Wow really?

" Yh, and I Know more than anything your mum won't want you to go there.she wouldn't want you to have anything to do with Irene.

I felt like I shouldn't ask the next question cause I might not like the answer, But still I wanted to satisfy my curiosity so I asked.

"Why father?

" Cause Irene is not really the safest of place to be in.
What he said making me curious to find out more so I asked again.

"What do you mean?

" Cassie dear, I have watched you grow and I've watched your curiosity grow alongside with you. Curiosity is like your birth twin, being curious is your thing, But have you ever heard the saying curiosity kills a cat.

"Yes father but where are you going with this talk?

" Promise me that you won't be curious always

" Why papa?

" Cause somethings are best left unknown. Promise me cassie.your the only thing I have left that's worth living for, I don't wanna lose you.

"I promise father, I can take care of myself. I'll be fine you don't need to worry.

"Very good my daughter now you should go pack and say goodbye to anyone you wanna see for the last time cause it might be your last day here ever" he said these words as he planted a kiss on my forehead.

"Ok papa".

Jayson's POV

Jezz why can't this bitch keep her hands to her self, more than anything I do wanna shove her hands off me but since she's my future wife and Luna I obviously can't do any of that.

We are to get married in two months time, but unlike any normal groom am not happy about it, my wolf grows upset at the thought of it. I get the urge to vomit when ever I think of it.

Alison and I grow up together in the pack house and not for once have I felt anything for her. I've never seen Alison like a women. We use to be very close but along the line our closeness stopped but never in a thousand years have I thought of having anything sexual or romantic with her. The thought of it give me a pounding headache but again I have to remember that am doing this for the pack, this is the price I have to pay for my pack.

The sudden feeling of wet lips on my neck snapped me out of my thoughts

"Alison can you not? Give me a break"

" Can't I have some pleasuring time with my husband to be and my mate?

" Oh cut the crap, we all know his not your mate you guys are just mating and getting married cause of a stupid arrangement to keep the pack" Elena replied her

" And who gave you the right to talk back at me? "

" Oh please spare me the trash your just the former beta's daughter not like your the Queen of us all" Elena my beta's mate replied her.

Elena and Alison have never gotten along and that kind of worries me, how will Elena work as her beta when there hate each other. Alison ain't allowed to change her beta as long as Elena's mate is still my beta.

Alison voice drew me out of my thoughts again

"Jayson are you just gonna sit here and watch her talk to your future Luna like that?

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