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-Poison and cells-

After running from the breezeway, Y/N made her way through the corridors

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After running from the breezeway,
Y/N made her way through the corridors.

She heard the sound of music and dancing. A joyous sound which put a smile on her face.

Finding the doors to the ballroom, pushing them open and stepping in. People danced around, spinning and holding each other close. Men switched the girls they were dancing with, people laughed.

"Everyone, I have an announcement to make!" King Petyr voiced boomed.

The musicians stopped the music and people stopped dancing. The room was deathly silent, holding his wine glass in the air he yelled out to the guests-

"Let's make a toast! To prosperity, to great friends, to my subjects, and to love".

Everyone clinked their glasses together. Cheering and hollering, King Petyr held his hand up, silencing them once again.

"Y/N?" He yelled, searching the crowd for her. Making her way to the table King Petyr sat as she smiled.

Her life was going great, the kingdom of spirit was magnificent and grandiose. She loved the man she was marrying. The war was hopefully coming to an end, and she was happy.

She stood next to her fiancé, holding his hand.

"To Y/N, my queen, my love, and my heart." He squeezed her hand one last time.

He raised his cup in the air, everyone else followed suit. Furthermore, he lowered his cup and took a sip.

He coughed, then pounded his chest. Dropping his cup, he crumbled to his knees. Grabbing and clutching at his throat, he spat up blood and continued to cough.

People flocked to him, pushing Y/N to the side. People blocked Y/N's view, as she frantically tried to get to King Petyr. She heard the royal highness, Petyr's mother, cry out.

When the people stopped and let Y/N through, it was too late. The queen knelt over her son's body, rocking and cradling him. Tears streamed down her face.

She looked up at Y/N-

"You" she growled, "you did this, arrest her! Arrest her."

Guards grabbed Y/N, pulling her away as she fought trying to get to Petyr. Tears streaming down her face.

Bells rang out in the streets, people wailed.

The king is dead

Hi! So a few changes are being made to my updating schedule! First I'll be updating every Friday or Sunday! And secondly the chapters will be longer and from different POV's.  That's all for now, I love you all💛💙❤️


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