"Me" Florence said, looking back at him with a huge grin plastered on her freckled face.

"Who are you going to sing with, Kurt?" Mercedes asked. When Kurt didn't answer her question, Mercedes traced his glance. Which led all the way to the newest Glee member.

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──

Kurt was marching over to Sam's locker, hauling his little sister with him. "Hi! I'm Kurt Hummel, this is my little sister Florence" Kurt said, reaching out his hand for Sam to shake. Sam shot Florence a smirk, leading to her cheeks gaining a pink tone. Knowing she was blushing, She pulled her hoodie up over her cheeks, making only her eyes visible.

Not having sensed the tension between Sam and Florence until now, Kurt's eyes moved between the two teens. "Excuse me for a sec" Kurt spoke, yanking his sister away from Sam.

"What the heck happened the night of that football game?" Her  brother asked. His voice was high pitched, even for Kurt.

Florence raised an eyebrow, not aware that Kurt knew about the football game. "Who told you about that?" she asked, already suspecting Quinn to be the one who told him.

"Quinn. Who else?" Kurt huffed, rolling eyes since he thought that was a state in the obvious.

"Nothing happened" Florence assured him, "Please don't embarrass me" she added. Kurt ignored her, and walked back over to Sam.

"Just tell me' Kurt said, the second he arrived at Sam's locker. Sam furrowed his eyebrows in surprise, sending Florence a look to check if she knew what was going on. Luckily, she knew her brother very well, and so, she knew what he was about to ask the boy.

"We have to go... You'll thank me for this some day" She spoke, shooting Sam an apologetic smile before yanking her brother away by his arm.

"I swear to god Kurt Hummel, not everyone you meet is gay. And even if they were, you don't always have to confront them about it" She sighed, "That's the 4th time this week"

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──

Sam had texted Florence to meet him in the astronomy classroom. As they entered the room, Florence stared at the guitar case Sam had brought. "I love astronomy. something about all that space makes my problems seem kind of small" Sam whispered, placing the black object on one of the tables. He opened it, carefully getting the instrument out.

"I wish i could kick my brother into space sometimes" Florence smiled sarcastically, the conversation that happened between Sam and Kurt earlier that day still fresh in her mind.

"That ones Venus, planet of love" Sam informed her, pointing at one of the planets hanging from the classroom's ceiling.

"Actually, it's Mars, planet of war" Florence corrected him chuckling at how confident Sam had sounded.

"Which one are we on?" Sam questioned, looking at Florence. The girl sent him a look and pointed at a blue and green ball.

"Earth, now tell me why we're really here, assuming it isn't just so you can give me false information about the universe"

Sam smiled, not at all deprived by Florence's harsh tone. "Many people told me you're one of the best singers in Glee Club, and since I want to win the duet competition, I thought we should sing together. You kinda already offered to, so you can't really say no anymore"

Florence smiled. "Fine, I'll sing with you. But only because I want to go to Breadstix" she spoke, taking a seat on one of the tables.

"Great. So I think we should start with the choreography" Sam smiled, handing the guitar around his neck. He played a few chords and looked at Florence. "I already have an idea, just get behind me" he explained, looking at Florence who was still sitting crosslegged on the table. Noticing she wasn't moving an inch, Sam chuckled. "Get behind me" he repeated.

Florence hopped of the table she was seated on. Sam happily continued playing his chords as she stood behind him. "good, now grab my hips and start swaying" Both realizing how stupid the last sentence sounded, they started laughing as Florence placed her hand on his shoulder instead. "Alright now, here's the cool part" Sam spoke.

"This wasn't the cool part?" Florence pouted. She looked up at Sam, a smile still plastered on he face.

"How many chords do you know?" Sam asked, wrongfully assuming she knew any of them. Florence's face turned into one big question-mark, practically never having touched guitar before, she knew nothing about the instrument.

"Do you know how to play?" The blonde boy asked, not discouraged at all. Florence shook her head. Sam gently grabbed her hand, placing each on her fingers on the right strings. He strummed the guitar slowly, giving her directions on what to do as he did so. When it sounded somewhat decent, Florence smiled brightly, not noticing the proud look on Sam's face as she continued playing.

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──

The day of Sam and Florence's duet had finally arrived. They had practiced together almost every day, and were confident they were going to do great. As they stood in the middle of the choir room, Florence looked around the class. She placed one hand on Sam's shoulder and her other hand on the upper half of the guitar, just like had practiced. Sam started playing lucky, the song they chose but about halfway through the song, Sam put his guitar down and grabbed Florence's hand.

A weird feeling entered the girl's body when her hand touched Sam's, the feeling wasn't at all new to her, since it was present whenever Sam was, but still it made her slightly nervous. The feeling --combined with the surprise of Sam totally changing the choreography they practiced, made butterflies flutter around in Florence's stomach.

Sam turned to face the other Glee members and Florence quickly followed. The song came to an end and the Glee club began applauding, pleasantly surprised by the performance and the chemistry the two singers had.

Florence smiled as she felt her cheeks gain a pink color. She turned to look at Sam, only to discover he was already looking at her, a matching blush on his cheeks


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