lyrics prank on kurama / minato and kushina trying to get naruto back

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Fox: naruto do a lyrics prank on kurama

what song said naruto

wolf: when it hurts 

ok said naruto

kurama was out but he has his phone

though text  

you fight me of like a firefighter


so tell me why  you still get burn

i am not burnt  beautiful

you say you're not but you are still a lair

what did i lie about

cuase i'm the one you run to first

you are confusing me 

every  time yeah why do you try to deny it

deny what

when you show up every night and

to sleep?

tell me when you want me but it complicated


so complicated

i confuse complicated what

when it hurts but it hurts so good

what hurts

do you take it 

take what

do you break it off

break what off

when it hurts but it hurts so good

what hurts

can  you say it can you say it

say what

 your love is like ( hey na-na-na na-na) your love is like (hey na-na-na na-na)

my love?

it a prank kurama 

oh i am coming home said kurama

no wait said naruto

to late said kurama

-kurama left the group chat-

no i need to hide said naruto

this is ya'll  fought naruto said while pointing at the animals

kurama went inside the room and put a sound barrier on the 

my pov

i  can't do smut sorry

out pov

when they were finsh they went to sleep

next morning

naru~wake up said kurama

no my back hurt said naruto

sorry i went hard last night said kurama

why do i have to get up ask naruto

naruto is 10

you have a mission said kurama

nooo said naruto

how about come with you kurama said sitting up

really naruto said while climbing up on kurama

yes kurama said 

naruto kiss kurama and pulled away

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