Nine Tails Attack

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previous: the king and queen couldn't win against the attack

they went out the potal and saw a family house and decide to knock on the door.


"Coming "shout Minato.

Minato open the door and saw 20 guards .

"May i help you" Minato said .before they could answers Minato kids and wife came down with Kushina holding 3 year old naruko. ,
"Who is it "kushina ask. "I don't  know yet come and see" minato said. ok said kushina.

kushina went to the door."

Why are guards here" kushina ask.

"I Don't know" minato said.

"We are guards of a new born baby named naruto we are here to protect him and his parents want us to find him a family are you willing to adopt young naruto"  one guard said. 

minato and kushina look at each other  then call their kids down.

"Yes mom" mito said. "whould ya'll like to have a baby bother" kushina said .

They said yes and they the guards came in with newborn naruto. "we will make ya'll a deal for taking naruto in" a guard said. 

"what the deal "minato ask.

"How about we give your kids five guards each and give naruto five" the guard said. 

"why would you want to do that" ask kushina. 

"We know Mr.minato is the hokage of leaf and kushina is your wife and your childen are going to the academy tomorrow and you can't get anbu because missons so we were going to protect your kids each of them" 2nd guard said.

 leaving minato and kushina shock. ""ok they both said. 

then they heard a boom outside, they went running and they saw ninetails attacking the leaf and minato was fighting.

Then minato told kushina to get the kids and he will seal 10% in their kids and 60% in naruto. and they did seal ninetails

naruto is now 1 years old 

Naruto was whining.

 kushina came up stairs and said "shut up you demon your not my chlid to be taking care of, you are still here because your guards watch are childen.

 Naruto kept crying thats when kushina walk over to naruto and slap him then she called minato up.

 Minato came and you won't belive what he did. "say honey" he said  "he kept whining and he won't stop" she said. 

Minato got mad and slap naruto and that when naruto stop whining. 

He said "you have to slap him to stop ok honey". she said ok. 

The guards came up and ask what happen.

minato and kushina know if they tell them what happen they will leave and there will be no-one to watch or protect their kids.

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