"You know what, Jacob? . It doesn't take much courage for people to park their cottage cheese behinds in their BarcaLoungers and log onto the internet and start tearing people down. Does it? But you know what does take courage? Standing up and singing about something. So here's a message for everyone that reads your blog. Next time, instead of posting an anonymous comment online, say what you have to say to my face" With that being said, Kurt was officially welcomed back to McKinley High when a red, cold slushee was hurled at his face by a random football player.

Florence's hand flew to her mouth and her eyes widened. She quickly looked away from her brother as she let out a soft snicker. She opened her mouth, but before she could say anything, Kurt lifted up his hand.

"I don't wanna hear it" He told his sister, wiping the cold, sticky substance out of his eyes.

Florence just nodded, still covering her her mouth with her hand as she focussed her attention on the floor.

"Florence!" A girl's voice suddenly sounded.

When she heard the familiar voice call her name, Florence spun around, her long hair moving with her as she did so. At the end of the hallway stood her best friend, happily waving.

"Quinn!" Florence yelled, running into the blonde girl's arms. The smell of the familiar perfume made her smile, reminding her of the many memories they had together.

"You look so good!" Quinn squealed, looking Florence up and down before wrapping her arms around her and hugging her tightly.

"You too! You know, less... pregnant!" Florence smiled, "Not that you didn't look amazing during your pregnancy-

"Please tell me you'll join the Cheerios this year?" Quinn interrupted her, placing her hands o Florence;s shoulders as she looked into her blue eyes.

"I'll think about it, but only if Sue lets you back in, too" Florence decided, "Besides, I tried out last year, remember. Sue just didn't let me in" She reminded her friend.

Quinn thought about that for a moment. "Okay, that's true. But i'm sure she'll let you in this year, Santana told me she's short on cheerleaders" She smiled before taking Florence's hand and hauling her through the hallways to go and greet their other friends.

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──

Kurt dumped a stereo on one of the metal table in the courtyard. Rachel took a seat beside him. When everyone seemed to be ready, she pressed the play button. Empire State of mind blasted from the speakers, startling a few students trying to enjoy their lunch.

As Santana and Britanny were doing who knows what out of their sight, Quinn and Florence were waiting for their sing to walk down the stairs and join the rest of the New Directions. Quinn was braiding Florence's hair into two long braids.

"I can do it myself, you know" Florence mumbled, looking at her hands as Quinn messed around with her hair.

"No you can't. You ripped out a whole bunch of hairs out last time" Quinn laughed, softly getting the braids out of Florence's hair, and letting it hang loose instead.

"Do you remember that day in 1st grade? My mom had put my hair into those little pigtails, but I didn't like it so I cut them out with scissors" Florence chuckled, smiling at the memory

"I do, I also remember you wearing that pink Dora the Explorer hat the rest of the year"
Quinn laughed, placing a black cap on Florence's head.

The girls had been friends since kindergarten. Quinn was always one grade higher than Florence and acted like the girls' mother. Which Florence appreciated, after all, her mother had passed away when she was just six years old.

Mike Chang waved their way, a sign it was their time to join the New Directions in on their performance. Britanny and Santana appeared and the four girl walked down the stone staircase, singing and dancing along to the song

The other students didn't seem to pay attention at all as the Glee club preformed their song. Since the New Directions were used to that kind if treatment, they didn't let it bother them and tried their best for the people that were enjoying their performance. Florence was very focussed on executing her movements right, she was that focused that she didn't even notice someone staring at her.

Sam Evans was watching the performance from one of the many tables. As his new friends were talking about football, he had his gaze focussed on the New Directions. There was one girl in particular who really caught his attention.

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──

The Glee Club boys had gathered in the Choir room. As Mike and Puck took a seat on one of the plastic chairs, Finn took his place behind the drums he knew so well, happy to be back in the place he felt most comfortable. The reason for the sudden Glee Club gathering was that Finn had  found a possible new member, even though it wasn't really clear where he had found the guy.

"My name is Sam Evans" the boy spoke, nervously looking around the practically empty room. "I like comic books and sports. I'm dyslexic, so my grades aren't that good. But I'm working on it" he said, a nervous smile on his face.

"Dude. Your mouth is huge... How many tennis balls can you fit in there?" Puckerman questioned, amazed by the boy's big mouth.

"I don't know. I've never had any balls in my mouth, have you?" The boy snapped, a genuine smile spreading on his face.

Florence Hummel was running through the hallways, looking for her locker. She shoved her books inside, making sure she didn't rip any of the many photos out of her locker as the did so. She was about to head out when she heard a sound coming from the choir room. Her curiosity took over and she approached the door, noticing it was wide open as she came close.

A blonde boy was playing his guitar and singing billionaire by Bruno Mars. Something weird happened to her, she couldn't really place the feeling so she just decided to ignore it. As she leaned against the doorframe, the boy with the guitar turned around briefly. Florence leaned forward a little bit, trying to see his face.

"What are you doing here?" Kurt tapped her shoulder. Florence jumped up, startled by her brother's sudden presence.

"Oh my god!" she whisper-screamed, dramatically placing her hand over her heart.

"What? Do I have a pimple or something?" Kurt panicked, placing his hand on his cheek and feeling around to check if there were any flaws.

"You scared the hell out of me" Florence sighed. Kurt didn't answer, so she continued to look at the performance in the choir room, softly singing along to the song.

"He's cute" Kurt smiled. Florence didn't hear him, "He's definitely gay" Kurt added, Florence head this, but chose to ignore it. The song ended and the boy put down the guitar. He grabbed his backpack and started making his way to the door.

"Shit" Florence mumbled. She turned around and quickly walked away from the choir room, pulling Kurt with her.


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