Chapter 10 - The Sweet Embrace of Familiarity

Start from the beginning

           Talon was here. My magnificent black dragon stood tall and proud, his features pulled into the best, toothy smile a dragon could manage. I looked into the sapphire eyes I loved so much, which were always swirling with emotion, and gasped.

          They were empty. Devoid of emotion for me, for anything in this world. Tears sprung to my eyes at the emptiness. This was not like him. I may have only known talon for a day, but I had come to recognize that his eyes were always, always, swirling with too many emotions to count. My feeling of dread increased when he started to speak.

          “Hello, love.” Talon practically sneered the word, causing me to flinch. “I’ve missed you dearly, but there’s something I have to tell you.”

          “W-what is it Talon?” I asked hesitantly, flashing a small smile towards him.

          “I don’t love you. You are nothing but a worthless freak. I mean, get real. I am practically a god compared to you. I hate you. I hate every little thing about you!” Talon shouted.

          A sob was ripped from my chest at his words. I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces, and I fell to my knees in pain. In the very back of my mind, I heard a dragon’s keen of sorrow as I curled up and sobbed. I did not know heart break hurt this much. Somewhere in the back of my mind, my conscious whispered that Talon would not say things like that, the man would not even think of harming her. As I thought about that, thought about Talon’s loving eyes and hard features, I pushed myself from my knees.

          The whole time I had been crying, ‘Talon’ had been laughing, and as I looked up at him, there was a smug, satisfied expression on his face.

          “You’re not Talon.” I whispered quietly. Immediately he sobered up and looked down at me.

          “What did you say?” he growled.

          “YOU’RE NOT TALON!” I shouted, and it was as if I had broken a spell. ‘Talon’ lunged for me but before he could lay a hand on me, he shattered into a million pieces, along with the scenery around us. I looked up and saw cold, hard stone and metal. And a seething Ailden.

          “You little bitch.” He growled. At first, I thought he was talking to me, until I heard a small whimper to my right. I turned and was surprised to see a girl no older than me, with striking features. She had long silver hair and bright yellow eyes. I gasped in shock, not being used to seeing the colors on a human’s face. She was a frail girl, with tiny features, and I instantly knew I had to protect her. Turning around I stood up and slammed my fist through the cells bars and straight into that bastards face. There was a satisfying crunch as my fist connected with his nose. Ailden jumped back and groaned in pain, before hissing at me.

         “Listen here, you dick. You do not get to talk to her like that, nor do you get to talk to me like that!” I exclaimed, my clenched fists by my sides.

          “I’ll talk to you however I damn well please! You are mine now.” Ailden shouted back, a smug look on his face. I seethed in anger at his words. He cannot just kidnap people than call them his property.

         “Fuck you asshole! I am not yours. She is not yours. Hell Caij is not even yours! Now I suggest you take me and her back to him before I break the rest of your disgusting face.” I growled at him, shaking in anger. Ailden’s face paled, before nodding mutely. I was slightly surprised, but did not let it show as we were marched back to my cell. Instead, I carefully studied my surrounds, memorizing everything I could about the corridors we went through.

        After about ten minute of silence, we arrived at where I was original being help. Caij was instantly at up, hands curled around the bars and growling. I felt the small girl shrink into my side and start shaking with fear. I sighed, this small girl was going to have a lot of trouble adjusting, it seems.

          “Caij, shut up. You are scaring my new friend.” I snapped at him as I was pushed roughly into the cell. I cast a glare at Ailden, and he let out a vicious growl in return. I glared at his back as he turned around and walked back in the direction he had come from. Caij was doing the same thing, a small rumble coming from his chest. The second Ailden was out of sight; Caij turned to me and grabbed my shoulders. He stared intently at my face intently, before pulling me into a bear hug.

         “I’m so glad you’re okay. I did not know what he was doing to you. I am so sorry I could not protect you better.” Caij breathed against the top of my head, his arms tightening around me. I smiled, loving the feeling of comfort that washed over me. Caij was like having a father; he was always concerned with my well-being yet still pushing me to try harder when all I wanted to do was give in. “Now tell me who your new little friend is, Little Bird.”

         As he released me from the hug, I turned to look at the small silver haired girl curiously. She looked frightened, yet comforted, which were two emotions I never thought I would see together on one person. I smiled at her, and after a second, she gave me a small smile back.

        “I’m Ashlyn, and this is Caij.” I pointed to each of us in accord with our names. “What’s your name?” I asked quietly. She looked conflicted for a moment, glancing up at us through her lashes. “We won’t hurt you, I promise.” I told her reassuringly.

          “My name is Violet.” She whispered, looking completely frightened of the situation she was in. I sat down, hoping to make myself look non-threatening, and flashed her a thousand watt smile. Her returning smile was not as large, but it was not the smile of a scared, timid girl.

         “So Violet, tell me about yourself.”

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