Chapter 16-A date

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Breakfast the next day...

I sit down next to Camilo at the table, still rubbing my eyes. "Did you have a good sleep?" He asks with a yawn. "Mhm" I reply, serving myself some breakfast. "Good, because we're going somewhere special today." He says with a giddy smile. I turn to him, curious. "Are we now?" I ask. "Si, senora, meet me outside in 10 minutes." He jumps out of his seat and runs out, leaving me confused but excited. I wonder what he wants to do, I think to myself. After eating I quickly head back to my room to change into a long, orange skirt and white top. 5 minutes later I walk out the front doors, and Camilo is waiting for me, holding a small picnic basket. "This is intriguing," I say, kissing his cheek. "Where are we going?" He gives me a smirk and takes my hand. "You'll see when we get there."

After 10 minutes of walking, past the village, I finally see where we are heading. Ahead of us, glistening beautifully in the morning sun, is the lake. The sunlight dances on the surface of the water and a soft breeze creates small ripples. "This is where we first met." I say, half surprised. "Yeh, I wanted to go somewhere special." He smiles shyly, a blush rising in his cheeks. "That's very sweet of you, corazon." I say and we walk over to the edge of the water. "I bought a picnic, with your favourite foods!" He says excitedly, pulling out a colourful blanket and some food wrapped in cloth. We sit down on the blanket, looking out at the water. I unwrap the food and dig in. "How is it you know me so well?" I ask Camilo as I stuff my face with an arepa con queso. He smiles and tucks my hair behind my ear. "You just have great taste in food!" He takes an arepa and eats it in one bite. After a few more minutes of eating and talking, I stand up. "Come on, how about a swim?" Camilo looks up sceptically. I grab his hands and pull him to his feet. "¡Vamos, mi vida!" I say and I slip off my sandals, wading into the shallow water. Camilo pulls off his runana and follows me.

The cool water laps around my shins, the bottom of my skirt is soaked and I can hear Camilo splashing through the water behind me. Suddenly my back is splashed with cold water. "Hey!" I yell turning around. "Woops, accident!" Camilo laughs. I wave my arm, and a jet of water hits him in the face. "Hey no fair!" He says splashing me again. 10 minutes later we are both drenched. I shove Camilo into the water one last time before running back to the shore. Camilo yells out in joke outrage, and chases me through the shallow water. "Come back, mi vida, that was foul play!" I run out of the water, laughing and screaming jokingly. Camilo runs up behind me and grabs me round the waist. I laugh in protest as he tickles me, kissing the sides of my face. I push away and turn to face him. "Te amo, Cami." I say leaning in to kiss him. He strokes the back of my head, his hand gentle and soft. He pulls away and sits down, gesturing for me to join him.

Sitting next to Camilo, his arm around my shoulder, I hear him let out a long sigh. "Something wrong, mi vida?" I ask. "Oh, no, I'm just happy." He says, smiling. He kisses my forehead. "Me too, you make me happy." I reply, looking up at him, nothing but adoration and love in my eyes. "I can't believe it was only months ago you found me in this lake. I feel like I've known you my whole life." I say, looking out at the water again. "I want to spend the rest of my life loving you chica," He says, smiling sheepishly. I can't stop the smiling stretching across my face. "Te amo, mi Camilo." I say, my gaze flickering from his eyes to his lips. "I love you too, Y/n," He whispers, before closing the distance between our lips. Despite having kissed him before, this time feels different, like I never want to leave Camilo's side. I want to spend the rest of my life with Camilo, mi corazon. 

After a few moments we both draw back. I'm about to speak but I feel the sun's light disappear. Looking up I see dark clouds rolling across the sky. Thunder booms in the distance. A light rain begins to fall and Camilo says we should probably head back. After packing up the picnic, we hurry back to the house. "I'm sorry our date was cut short," he says, holding open the front door for me. "It's ok, I enjoyed it, and you chose the perfect place." I say, giving him a reassuring smile. At this moment Pepa burst through a door, limping slightly, swearing very harshly in spanish. "Mami? Are you ok?" Camilo asks tentatively. Pepa jumps a little, startled by her son's appearance. "Si, si, mijo, I just dropped something on my foot and Julieta isn't back from the village yet." She says, waving her hands in frustration. "Doesn't matter, come, dinner is ready!"

Mi Corazón Book 1(Camilo Madrigal and y/n story)Where stories live. Discover now