Chapter 79: Chili Bowl Nationals

Start from the beginning

"The bottom is fading, and I just didn't get to the top quick enough," he comments afterwards, to which Kyle had to nod his head in agreement with watching.

"Remember, too, what Brad said about pitching the car," Kyle adds, to which Chase lets out a sigh as that was certainly the drilled point while they were in California.

Bowman was able to have better luck with his qualifier, starting second virtue of the run through the back of the field in his heat. Grabbing the early advantage, his determination paid off as he blocked every single move that Tyler Courtney made, including the perfect switch back on the last lap to secure the checkered flag.

"You know you're doing something right when you beat one of the top guys," Alex comments as he climbs out of the car, offering a fist-pump to Jake Swanson. "I don't this often and look what I accomplished. You have a rocket for this week."

"I'm stoked," Jake comments, knowing his potential to run with the best was high.

Knowing he was qualified for the main event, Alex made his way up to the track to watch the VIROC event. He knew it'd be a great education to see the continued direction the track was going based on the work they were doing. However, it also gave him a chance to watch how someone was making out, still wishing they could sneak in more time together.

While eyes focused on the front of the field as Kyle Larson tracked down Justin Grant to challenge him, Alex's eyes focused on the No. 9E, watching him as he slid it through the high side of the corner, right alongside some of the best in the business. Despite the depth of the field, he was able to hold his own, scoring a ninth-place finish.

Chase hoped to carry the momentum into the b-main next, looking for a top-four qualifying spot to slot himself into the feature. He started off real well, challenging for the top-five as he wrapped it tightly along the bottom. Though with the line fading, he moved up, ready to run the cushion. Catching a couple bumps and getting off line ended up hurting him, resulting in fading back late for an eighth.

He makes his way to the pits, climbing out of the car and up into the trailer. Grab a quick drink, and he knew he could make it back up to watch the main event.

"Don't kick yourself in the ass, please," Kyle comments, stopping him as he tries to leave quickly. "I know you're disappointed with how that shook out, but you have nothing to hang your head on. You did a spectacular job, a lot better than a bunch of people predicted. For someone whose just a year into midgets, racing against guys who have ran dirt their whole life, you're doing a really good job. I'm proud of you."

"Thank you," Chase says in a quiet manner, though keeps his eyes focused forward. No matter the words spoken, he knew it was going to sting a bit to be so close yet so far in making the main.

"I mean it – that's the most aggressive, confident that I have seen your driving as you're putting everything together. Do the same thing on Saturday, and I can see you eating some alphabet soup." Chase chuckles as it would certainly be nice to get a few features higher than the F where he'd start the day. "Shit – I should probably let you go. You probably want to go watch Alex."

"Is that okay?" Kyle nods his head, knowing they could talk about how the track shook out and changing conditions of the car afterwards. Besides, he'd probably be headed up to track level to do the same thing.

Starting off the main in eighth, Alex was able to make progress forward, sliding through the top to pick some cars to work his way up to fourth – giving himself a legitimate shot. Unfortunately, a couple late failed lane choices, combined with the handling going astray a little, would be his downfall, fading back to score a ninth.

"You looked impressive out there," Chase comments after a bit when he was finally able to make his way down to the ABR trailer. "I thought you had a top-five locked up."

"That's the price you pay when you make a couple poor choices behind the wheel," Alex answers as he finishes up organizing stuff before closing up for the night. "I can't complain, though. That's one of my best career prelim performances and now I'm playing with house money. It's all about making sure Jake and CJ kick ass this week." Chase nods his head, excited to see how Jake made out on Tuesday. However, he knew it wouldn't be easy with Kyle set to run the same night.

"I have total confidence in your crew chief abilities, having gotten the behind the scenes glance at how dedicated you are to your craft. Perhaps if I wasn't so distracting sometimes you may have gotten that top-five." Alex smirks as he looks over, knowing he wouldn't trade those nights in the shop for anything.

"Alright, I'll just call up Andrea and tell her that you're to blame." Chase closes the gap between them, ensuring they were in the corner that could not be viewed from the outside of the trailer.

"I don't think that'd be recommended. I wouldn't be your dirty little secret anymore." Chase then leans in, pressing his lips against Alex's as he pins him against the wall. "Fuck, I have missed those so much. I know you're the king of parties..." He then brushes his hand against Alex's cock through the fabric of the firesuit. "But I was hoping that we could have a party for two tonight."

"Say no more....."

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