Prolouge: Let's Dream The Same Together!

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Third Person's POV

A seven year old named Hya Evans, she was outside, at night, talking with her cousins and her friends on phone

"Yah! Guys, do you ever dream that we had biggest adventure together, not just like hiking or anything, but like adventure in a world of superpowers, like me, Xhander and Hya?" Andrei asked through the phone

"Huh? Well... the thing is... no, I haven't." Aliah, Hya's third cousin

"I haven't. Mike, Lex, what about you?" Chase asked his brother

"Nope." Mike said

"No, I haven't." Lexi or Alexis said to her younger brother

"I have. Xhander is, too." Andrei said

"Yep, he's right." Xhander said

"So do I." Hya said

"Well, if you guys haven't dreamed anything like that, you can have the same dream as we do." Andrei said

"He's kinda right. We haven't have any dreams we always wanted to be or wanted to do, so... you guys can dream the same." Hya said

"Maybe you're right." Chase said

All of them continued talking about it but Hya kept quiet first

"Yah, you okay, Hya?" Xhander asked, but Hya didn't responded

She just looked at the night sky, looking at the stars

"Nah, I'm fine. Just thinking." Hya said

"Hey guys, I gotta go now, I have something to do." Xhander said

"Us too." Aliah said

"Gotta go, too." Hya said

"Well, bye guys, see you tomorrow?" Mike asked

"Yep." Hya said and they hang up

She looked at the night sky again

"Let's dream the same... together." She said to herself



See you in the first chapter!

Jaa ne minna-san!!

(272 Words)

EndouHya1115 signing out!~

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