"Y-YOU'RE SUCH A MEENIE! I KNEW I SHOULDNT'VE COME!" Before Xie Lian could speak any further, the ghost had run off.

"How rude of him just to say that! What a bully!"

"Ugh. The state of ghost society is riveting."


"You can't have anarchy without a higher power, you dimwit."

"Let's make an example out of this asshole! He probably died some sort of noble scumbag. It makes my blood boil!"

"I'm really sorry," Xie Lian tried to apologize, but it all went to waste. "I didn't mean it like that, I promise! Just an honest mistake."

No one seemed to listen to Xie Lian's pleas. No, they just wanted an excuse to start fighting. And so an excuse they got. The fight broke out - a brawl of fists, swords, sabres, and everything in between. Luckily Xie Lian was able to dip under it. For being the centre of attention, he's surprised he was able to get out of it without a scratch!

And so, following his original goal the Crown Prince hid in the shadows to scout the ghosts accordingly. But... something wasn't right.

"YOU YONG'AN TRASH!" A ghost roared, swinging a blade. It was a typical sword technique, one taught to the knights of Xianle. Xie Lian could recognize it in a heartbeat.

"Oh yeah?!" The Yong'An warrior responded, "It was your Prince's fault for the destruction of both of our kingdoms!"

Xie Lian froze.

"It was your country that birthed the god of misfortune!" The Yong'An warrior continued. "The human face disease... all his fault!"

No... as he took a closer look at the ghosts gathered at the foot of Mount Tonglu, he realized one crucial detail. These fighting styles, these faces, each of them were unique but chillingly familiar.

His patience has finally came back to haunt him. Most of these ghosts were of Xianle and Yong'An decent.

Of course.

Since the mountain just opened, the most fresh ghosts would naturally gravitate here. What fresher ghosts are there than from his own kingdom? The memory of war was fresh on everybody's mind - but where the ghosts wanted to rehash old wounds, the Crown Prince wanted to bury it as far down as possible.

This was his worst nightmare. And this was probably why Jun Wu was so adamant on not letting him go. He knew Xie Lian was physically gifted, but when it came to mental health he was as fragile as a flower. This... he couldnt...

Desperately putting two fingers on his temple, the Crown Prince did something he never thought he'd ever do.

"M-my lord... I can't do this after all." As his hands trembled desperately, he was slipping in and out of the communication array. "I concede. I concede! Seek out whatever punishment you see fit for me, but I just can't deal with this!"

The communication array was silent. So Jun Wu was just going to ignore him...


"My lord!" Xie Lian responded instantly, holding back the tears. So his Heavenly Emperor heard him after all? What a relief! "Thank you-"

"What are you thanking me for?" Jun Wu asked, nonchalantly. "I told you that I will not help you should anything happen. Need I remind you?"

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