The Question

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Days went by, and the more she pretended to not be downright terrified of what the Hatzgang could do to her, the more she actually wasn't. Yes, Roy still teased her, but, weirdly enough, it seemed a little friendly. Like how a friend teases a friend.

She had made some friends from meeting Susie, which was really cool. But, they didn't speak to her frequently. As of right now, they had their eyes glued to their cellphones. Not Susie though. They were conversating with each other as the Hatzgang watched them from the distance.

"Look, Roy! It seems friendly over there. That girl is being so nice to (Y/N)!" Robert said with excitement, pointing at them before slightly shaking Roy's arm.

"Pretty Privilege." Roy scoffed, crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. 

"So what you're saying is..." Ross paused for a second, looking directly at Roy. "You think she's pretty?"

Roy's eyes widened, realizing what he said.

"No, of course not! I just-" He sighed, not being able to finish his sentence.

"Do you like her?" Robert teased.

"What? No. Hell to the no!" He yelled. 

His friends chuckling after he tried to clear things up made his blood boil. Why would they believe such things? The way they laughed made him question his relationship with the girl that was supposed to be his bullying target. Just because he may think someone is pretty, it doesn't mean he...

likes them.

One last time, he rolled his eyes and stared into nothing.

"Yo, getting distracted there? Ross and I are going to go buy some snacks from the seller outside, wanna come or nah?" The tall boy offered, pointing towards Ross with his thumb.

"I'm fine." Roy answered, grumpy as always. Trying to avoid eye contact with them.

"Alright, man." Robert replied.

When they left to buy snacks, Susie accidentally laid her eyes on Roy. She frowned, and she also noticed that he was alone. She found it uncommon since he was never isolated from his friends.

"Hey, (Y/N)! Do you see him over there? He's alone..." Susie shook her friend's arm so she could turn her attention to the boy with a baseball cap.

"Ah? Oh." She looked at Roy. He was leaning against a tree.

"Look at his eyes! He's surely deep in thought right now..." Susie giggled.

Seeing him quietly stare at nothing was a rare sight. He always wore an irritated expression on his face, but right now his facial features were relaxed.

She noticed that he looked good to her.


Did she really think that way about him?


No, there's no way she thought her own damn bully was attractive.


She jumped, and Susie glanced at her with a concerned gaze, but it quickly turned into a smirk.

 She had been staring a little too long. And unfortunately, Susie noticed this.

"(Y/N), don't tell me..." Susie snickered.

"What?" She tried to act confused.

"Do you...?" 

"No, Susie. My mind just happened to wander around at the wrong time." She tried to avoid eye contact with the brunette while her cheeks were being painted with a slight flush of soft pink.

"(Y/N), I know what you were thinking." Susie's smirk grew wider.  "Your face says it all."

"Ew, what? No, why would I like him? He literally bullies me! Are you crazy?" She tried to cover up the truth, but the way she exclaimed just made her attempt more obvious.

"I never said you liked him, silly." Susie chuckled.

"But you implied it! Oh my god, you're so annoying." She said, dramatically. They both giggled.

"Well, he seems to have a little more mercy on you now. Maybe he likes you too!" Susie joked. 

"Maybe he does have a little mercy on me, but he still gets a little angry at me for the tiniest things." She shrugged.

"Oh, really? What does he get angry for?"

"Ugh, I can't stop thinking about this one time. It still pisses me off even though it happened like a month ago." She sighed in frustration. "They got mad at me for speaking to some weird kids with strange Halloween costumes!" 

"Hold on, Halloween costumes, you say?" Susie's eyes widened. It's like she knew something.

"Uh, yeah? I said Halloween costumes." She raised an eyebrow up in confusion.

"What type of Halloween costumes? I mean, what thing did they dress up as? Do you remember?" 

"Yeah, I do. It was really weird. One of them was wearing a skeleton outfit, the other wore a pumpkin on his-" 

She was cut off by her friend almost choking on her spit and slightly jumping when she heard the description of those kids.

"Holy shit, that's my brother!" Susie tried to keep her voice down.

"What? Which one?" She asked, opening her mouth in disbelief. 

"The Pumpkin one! I'm not kidding. Oh my gosh, he's so annoying. I'm so sorry you had to meet him." 

"Your brother looks nothing like you." She joked, chuckling.

"That's just the suit. He rarely takes it off, it's so ridiculous on him!" Susie chuckled, too, making dramatic movements with her hands as she explained.

"Well, do you know who the skeleton kid is?"

"Skid. that's Skid. He's best friends with my brother. They hang out all day, all night. Hell, one time my mom almost called the cops because they hung out for more than ten hours! He literally came back at one in the morning..."

"Oh wow. Now, that's true friendship.."

She looked back at where Roy was, and he was now with his group. He looked frustrated, as if he was trying to explain something his friends didn't understand.

Susie noticed that her friend started frowning and slowly shifting her eyes to the ground.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Susie held one of her hands as an attempt to comfort her. "Are you in love?" She teased.

"If I was, I wouldn't stand a chance with him. I'm just another target of his." She paused and looked at Susie. "I'm just another girl in this school with dozens of other students." She sighed, feeling a small weight lift from her shoulders.

"Hey, don't think like that..." Susie moved her hand to cup her cheeks. "There may be dozens of students here, but only one holds the key to his heart."

"He literally hates me, Susie. He doesn't like me. Why would he be so shitty to a person he has feelings for?"

"You do have a chance. Think about it! He never targets girls of his age. It's like he's planning to steal your heart!" Susie dramatically leaned a little closer to her face, like she was some sort of monster about to jumpscare her. She was clearly trying to brighten up the mood.

"Quit it!" They both giggled.

"Fine, fine. But does this mean you admitted to liking him?" Susie gave her one last smirk.

"I don't know. I'm so confused. Give me time, Susie."

"I understand."

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