Chapter Fourty Nine (Final Chapter) - Our Wedding.

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5:30 A.M.

My alarm clock went off.

Wow. Today is the day I officially get off the market , well I already was but today is the day I finally become married.

I called the girls & told them to meet me at the hair salon/nail salon because they opened early just for my wedding.

I got up slowly made my way to the bathroom did my Hygienic routine. Brushed my teeth but did no makeup , so I have a bare face.

I looked at my soon to be husband smiled & walked to my closet.

I picked a black tank top with a grey & black flannel & black leggings with my black UGG boots.

I kissed Micheal wrote him a note & made my way to the hair dresser.

Today is the day I finally get married & nothing would make this day any better.

I made it to the hair dresser & the girls were already there.

" Here comes Mrs. soon to be Stevenson " Mercedes said smiling.

" shut up " I said blushing.

" You nervous ? " Honey said turning to me.

" Ya damn skippy " I said chuckling.

" Well girl you shouldn't be nervous about a damn thing , just know your going to have a hell of a good time on your honeymoon , best believe that " Drea my hairstylist said to me.

" I guess , we'll make me pretty " I said smiling.

Soon after that the girls cheered.

Micheal's Point of View.

I woke up with the side of Kelani's bed cold. She must have went out for our big day. I'm hella hype.

I got up and went to go take a shower. When I got out I got a two texts.

morning big head. Wake up ! I'm coming home around 3 and its 10 now I have stuff to do and things to do so make sure your out of the house by 250 or I'm going to have that ass! I love you don't forget to give King a bath and take him with you where ever you go and don't forget his toys and his phone. I love you see you at the alter soon to be husband xoxoxo.

Crazy ass Bro ⛽️💉 :
you about to married niggaaaaaaa , shit I'm hype but Kelani's crazy ass told me to get you out of the house by 2:50 or she's going to have both of our asses and I like my ass so you better be fucking ready nigga. I'll call you when I'm on my way. your best man Chris HA. That has a nice ring to it.

Those two are beyond crazy. But you gotta love them. I got dressed just a black V-neck and red sweatpants with my October Yezzy's.

I went to Kings room and found him knock out.

" Aye Bug eyes wake up " I said tickling.

" Can I help you nigga? I try to sweep " King said rubbing his eyes.

This little one is lucky he is only aloud to say that word because if he wasn't ohhhhhhhh that boy wouldn't be able to sit for YEARS. The only reason why I let him say that word is because i always say it and if Kelani find out I was saying it around King I would not be able to sit for the rest of my life.

" I know but we gotta go , so go take a shower Lil nigga " I said pulling the covers off of him.

" ugh whyyyyyy " He said whining.

" Because today is mommy and daddy's day " I said to him.

" So " he said turning back onto his side.

All Eyes On Her.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon