Chapter 2

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Type's pov:

We spent the next 2 hours watching different cartoons.

We both perked up when the doorbell rang.

"That must be mae." I straightened up.

He clutched my shirt and looked at me anxiously.

"It's going to be ok. Daddy will be right here. And she will not hate you." I assured him and pecked his hair before getting up.

He still looked hesitant but nodded nonetheless.

I went to the door and opened it.

Mae was standing there holding a bag in her hand.

"Hello, mae." I smiled opening the door wider amd letting her in.

"Hello, Type. Where's Tharn?" She asked after taking her shoes off.

I stopped her when she was about to go in.

"Mae there's something i need to tell you."

"What is it?" She asked.

"Do you know the term little space?" I asked back.

She frowned slightly but nodded. "I'm familiar with it."

"Did you know that Tharn is a little?" I asked again.

She was taken aback by that.


I nodded.

"He went through something traumatic once before when he slipped accidentally infront of someone who shouldn't have seen him like that. So he's been hiding it since then. I also found out earlier today."

Her jaw was hanging low.

"He's scared that you might hate him if you find out. So he's been hesitant to let you see that side of him." I added.

She pursed her lips. "That idiot son of mine... Why would i hate him? He's still my son no matter what."

I smiled at that.

"He's currently in little space as well."

She perked up at that. "Where is he?"

"Living room." I answered.

She quickly went in and i followed close behind.

But we stopped when we saw that he wasn't there.

I frowned.

Where did he go?

"You said he's in the living room." Mom looked at me confused.

"I did leave him here when i went to get the door." I muttered.

I went and checked the bedroom.

But he wasn't there.

I even checked the bathroom but he wasn't there either.

I stopped infront of the door of the bedroom as i came out.

Mae was kneeling beside the dining table looking under it with a soft smile."Baby come out from under there. It's ok."

I quickly went and knelt beside her.


He was scooted far back against the counter under the table.

I could clearly see the tears in his eyes as he hugged the plush toy close to his chest.

I moved the chair away so we would be able to see him properly.

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