Chapter 1

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Tharn's pov:

I groaned softly as i pulled at my hair.

I've been standing under the cold shower for the last 15 minutes trying to keep my head straight.

Trying to resist it.

I can't show that side to Type.

I don't want him to leave me.

I slumped onto the floor shaking my head trying to make that haze disappear.

But it was unusually stubborn.

It kept lingering in my mind threatening to swallow me whole the moment i let my guard down.

Is it because of all the work and classes in the past week?

Is the stress finally catching up?


I rubbed my face with my palms as the cold water kept dropping on me.

I snapped my head towards the door when i heard a knock.

"Tharn what are you doing in there for so long? It's been 45 minutes already." Type's voice came from the other end.

Shit. It's already been that long?

I quickly got to my feet and turned off the shower.

I almost slipped as i went out of the shower stall.

"I'll be out in a sec!" I called out as i grabbed a towel and started drying myself.

I kept slapping myself trying to make that haze go away without any success as i put on some clothes after drying off.


If he notices anything...

I had the thought of not going out of the bathroom but that will only make him more worried and suspicious.

So that's out of the question.

I took a deep breath and braced myself before going out of the bathroom.

He was sitting on the bed playing with his phone.

"Took you long enough. I thought-" He looked up at but stopped when our gazes locked.

I frowned more out of being unable to focus than being confused as to why he suddenly stopped talking.

My mind kept blanking out and that haze was getting stronger.

My body felt tired and i wanted to slip badly but i knew i couldn't let it happen.

He would be grossed out.

I didn't realise when he got up and came up to me.

"Tharn you ok? Your eyes are unfocused." His worried voice came from a distance.

Distance? He's standing right infront of me.

"Ok..." I managed to mutter softly.

But it came out more high pitched than usual.

I didn't even have the piece of mind to be worried about how my voice came out so childlike.

I could feel myself slipping no matter how hard i tried not to.

No... Please... I don't want him to hate me...

The next thing i know, i was pulled into his embrace and he lifted me into his arms.

"Stop fighting it. Let go. You're only straining yourself even more." His soft voice rang in my ear.

"Nooo... Don't want hate..." I mumbled again in the childlike voice but this time tears started forming in my eyes.

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