(😊)Ranboo|MY PHONE!

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*Spell checked*

(Ranboo x Gender Neutral Reader)


(y/n) POV

"(Y/n)!" my name was called. I walk up to the counter and collect my drink.

"Thank you." I tell the young man and he tells me to have a great day.

As I leave the store my phone begins to ring. It's my mother.

"Hey mom." I answer as I start walking home, phone in hand on my cheek and steaming drink in my other hand.

"Could you stop by a gas station and get me a Pepsi and a bag of Doritos? I'm hungry and I don't want to cook." She asks me.

"Sure Momma. Do you want a Slim Jim as well?" I ask, knowing she likes the meat sticks.

"That'd be wonderful, hun. Now hurry, I'm starving." She says jokingly.

I pulled my phone from my ear and went to press the red button to end the call but I ran into something. My phone flies from my hand along with my piping hot drink.

"Shit!" I yell as my drink spills onto the person I ran into.

"Ah AH! Hot!" They say while quickly removing the hoodie they'd been wearing.

"I am so sorry! Are you okay?!" I ask them I say finally taking in their appearance. The bizarre half black and white mask covering the bottom half of his face. I have to look up to even see anything because of his height. He must be over 6 feet because like I'm not that short, about 5'6.

"Yeah I'm okay. Sorry for running into you, I wasn't paying attention." He apologizes even though I thought it was me who ran into him.

"I wasn't paying attention either, it's partially my fault as well." I say glancing down towards my spilt drink that also has something laying next to it.


"Fuck." I curse slightly under my breath as I pick up the now absolutely shattered piece of metal and plastic. It also is covered in hot liquid. I try to turn it on but nothing happens. I just sigh, I just got this phone as well.

"Uh- I can pay for someone to fix it. It's kinda my fault for running into you." They guy says. Wait, is this dude actually offering to fix my phone?

"Wait like really?" I ask him for more insurance.

"Yeah, I actually know a place not far from here." The guy explained.

"Really? Like that's so nice dude. It's my fault as well. I wasn't paying much attention." I said to him.

"Doesn't matter I feel bad your phone is broken but all that happened to me was my hoodie got wet. I can just throw it in the wash. You can't fix yours that easily." He explained it to me.

"Well I'm (y/n)." I introduce myself.

"Mark." He says.

"Okay so are we going now? I can wait if you're busy." I ask.

"I was actually just on a walk, so I'm not doing anything." he tells me.

"Okay, wait. Actually, could I use your phone? I have to text my mom what's happening. She thinks I'm on my way home." I ask.

"Sure." He says pulling out his phone and pulling up the phone app. I couldn't help but notice that almost all of his previous calls were from a contact named 'Tubbo'. I just ignore it and type in my mothers number and press the text symbol.

'Hey mom, it's (n/n). I ran into someone and my phone was messed up, they offered to get it fixed so it's going to be a while before I get home.'

'Fine but if you get kidnapped I'm not paying the ransom.' she texts back and I laugh at it.

"What's funny?" Mark asks, peaking to look at his phone. I just hand it to him so he can see and because I'm done with it.

"My mom said if I get kidnapped she isn't paying the ransom. You're not going to kidnap me are you?" I question and he just laughs.

"No, in fact I should be asking you that question," he says.

"I have no plans on kidnapping you. Plus even if I tried I probably wouldn't be able to because you're like a foot taller than me. You could kick me like a football." I say and we laugh.

"True." He says and I can't help but think. How is this dude going to pay for my phone? Like no offense to him but he doesn't look employed.

"Wait, so like where do you work? Like you have to have a job to be able to afford to fix my phone. I'm just curious." I ask but he seems a bit hesitant to answer.

"I'm an influencer." He says.

"Influencer? Like a TikToker? Really?" I question him but he finds my words funny more than serious.

"Yeah I do have TikTok and it is the platform I started on. But now I mainly stream on Twitch." He explains. I've heard of twitch before but never checked it out.

"Hm. I've never been on that before. What do you do exactly?" I questioned.

"Play games mostly. Just random ones overall but I play a lot of Minecraft as well." He says, and now I know what Minecraft is.

"Oh! Okay! So like people give you money to play the games? That sounds like a dream job. Like to just play a game you already enjoy and people give you money as well? Like a literal dream." I say and he nods in agreement.

"It is really an amazing job and I'm so happy I got into it. I mean it's allowed me to do so many things I couldn't have before. I actually got to go to the UK as well. Like I never imagined I'd leave the country. But now I'm even thinking of moving there." He says. It's nice to see someone talking about something they enjoy. I can see his happiest grow as he talks and thinks more about it.

"That's really amazing. I hope one day I find the job that makes me as happy as you are. I'll be honest I don't even know where I want to be. So I'm not even close to achieving it." I say and he looks over at me and smiles.

"I'm sure you'll find it eventually. You're a really cool person. I can tell. We should be friends." He says.

"Sure. I don't have many friends so it'd be great to have one." I smile back at him.

"Anyway we're almost at the place where we can get your phone fixed. Let's go!" He says starting to walk faster when I already had to walk really fast to keep up with him. Now I'm having fun running.

"Slow down!" I yell jokily.


I really enjoyed writing this one. I like making friends but too bad I'm antisocial and can never keep them because I don't reach out. ahhaha

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