2: Forgiveness Is Exclusive

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I know I was supposed to update a few hours later, but I'm too eager for your response to wait, plus wanted to do something for you lovely people. So, here's chapter number 2. The character aesthetics of the introduced characters in the particular chapter will be posted after the chapter (this will be followed for further chapters as well) Enjoy!.

I started to realise why the manager was so desperate for a replacement to the employee she lost. I was seeing from my naked eyes how more and more people started to gather in the Mart after 6 in the evening. And although the cashier adjacent to me had warned me about it, I did not expect the crowd that I witnessed. Damn Mumbai's population.

''I told you,'' she grinned at my nervous state.

Jeel was the lady who accompanied me at the counter. And do not let her middle-aged face fool you like it did to me. For some reason I imagined middle aged women as the silent and kind ones, or maybe that's the picture my mother planted in my head with her said personality. Despite of being the same age as my mother, Jeel was a different case. She talked a lot, about everything and anything. She greeted me with a hug and almost tears up because she thought she would have to do all the work alone without a company. But I'm sure she was more stressed about the part where no one would be able to hear her babble.

For half an hour, I listened to her non-stop bickering. She started with explaining to me about the staff but got distracted and started gossiping about them instead. Concentrating on her gossip was a difficult task because of the fact that she was almost half a foot taller than me and the close proximity of our tables didn't help either. Her head was covered in a cap that didn't help with the dark strands as they sneaked their way out and poked in different directions. Her dark eyes would widen every once in a while, whenever she would say something she though was exciting and I would nod at her without speaking much, which she didn't seem to mind.

In the beginning, I took my sweet time to adjust to the machine that calculated the price of the scanned items. Jeel was graceful enough to guide me through. I showed my gratefulness by engulfing her in a side hug which she said and I quote was 'heart melting'. Happy and excited, I watched Jeel deal the first customer's items.

''see how easy it is?'' she wiggled her eyebrows at me.

I pursed a giggle and welcomed the second customer. Following the precise instructions by Jeel, I successfully gave the receipt to the skinny man before me and said a, ''goodbye, have a nice day, sir.'' To him as he left.

I couldn't help but do a little happy dance and I bounced on my heels staring at Jeel's proud eyes.

''You're an adorable little lady,'' She smiled and raised her hand adjusting the cap on top of my head.

It took me time and some minor mistakes to overcome the anxiety and stress at the position of a cashier. I realised that this job had its cons, like arrogant customers with whom I still didn't know how to deal with, Jeel covering the issue for me most of the time. Secondly, the body pain! Despite of having a chair, we couldn't sit as it wasn't convenient, and the constant scanning and helping stuff the items in bags had my arms, thighs, and back hurting.

When it was around 10:15 pm and I couldn't see anyone loitering around the Mart looking at groceries or snacks anymore, I hunched over the chair. My legs were never so grateful before. I groaned and hid my head between my knees, closing my eyes for a while. I could feel my energy draining away little by little. I should have listened to mom when she told me to eat something solid before leaving.

I felt a hand on my back, making me look up. I stared into Jeel's soft eyes as she pouted at me.

''are you tired, baby?'' I supressed a smiled at the name and nodded at her. ''well, first time hurts,''

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