I snapped out of it a second later and pulled back.

"Thanks but I have to go," I said before teleporting back to my dorm and took a nap.


I sat up quickly, gasping for air as a single tear traveled down my cheek.

My nightmares had come back ever since I saw him with Pancy. 

I heard Rebekah snore lightly so I silently left the dorm, I needed air but what I found at the astronomy tower broke my heart even more:

I heard Mattheo yelling but when it came to a stop I entered the room, only to see Pancy connecting her lips with him. I couldn't bare anymore of the pain that came with it so I just ran.

I ran to an empty classroom-well the nearest one considering that it was the middle of the night and no one was supposed to be here.

Mattheo yelled: "Do that again and I'll slit your throat Parkinson!"

Not long after I was a crying mess, but even I knew I couldn't be this weak for a boy. Yes I love...d him, but Mattheo would only break the thing he built. I was warned that it was what he did. I brushed it off and felt my familiar dark heart return. Oh what that boy just did.

"Alex? It's Mattheo, let me in please?" he whispered.

"Get lost Riddle!" I whisper yelled, even though my words were stone cold, a stray tear made its way down my cheek.

"I'm not leaving until you let me explain," he tried stubborn wizard. I sighed dramatically-even for me. "Then I'll leave." I said and teleported to the dorm I was sharing with Rebekah.


"Bex, come on! We have to be early for class!" I exclaimed and shifted into my wolf as I jumped on the sleeping vampiress.

She just groaned and I pressed my cold, wet snout against her face. How does one sleep so dead, pun intended. 

"5 more minutes," she groaned and I had a wolfish smirk as I licked her face.

"ALEX!" she shrieked, ready to attack me.

I whipped around and ran to the bathroom then shifted back and put on some clothes.

"I'm going to kill your tribrid ass!" she exclaimed, already ready for the day. I yelped as she tackled me, trying to tickle me which ended with us throwing thing at each other until I couldn't see smoke coming out of her ears.

She finally came to a stop and we fixed our appearances. "Never do that again," she gasped shivering and I nodded before we left our dorm.

I saw Mattheo and the rest of the Slytherins all at our table. Draco took the seat next to me and handed me a cup of water. "Thank you," I looked at him and drank from it to wash down the food I had ingested.

After that we made our way to our classes where I proceeded to ignore him, not that it stopped him.


"Hey, Alex!" Draco called for me.

I turned around to face him. "Yeah?" I looked at him with a questioning glance.

"You forgot your water bottle in class." he smiled handing it to me.

"Thanks, anything else?" I asked.

"Nope, unless you'd like to be my girlfriend?" he stuttered.

My head said no but my mouth betrayed me: "Yeah, I think I'd like that."


We were in Snape's class, brewing Amortentia.

I had yet again made the perfect potion with my new potions partner, Tom.

He seemed to have disappeared for a while but was also mad at Mattheo which gave him plus points. "So what did you do while you were MIA for that while?" I asked and he explained to me that his father had him run some errands which included spying on Harry Potter.

"I know who Harry is, no need to say 'Harry Potter'," I mimicked him which ultimately-after a glaring contest- caused him to laugh.

Snape had presented the potion to the class and awarded our house 20 points, where we were then told to smell it, again. The class was called out one for one, Snape not even really caring until he called the last 5 of us: Draco had me, no surprise to anyone. Tom had Bex, I saw that coming but everyone else who knew her scent didn't. Pancy had Mattheo, no surprise there. Mattheo took a big whiff and looked straight at me as he explained my scent. I mentally scoffed, as if explaining my scent in a hot way was going to make me change my mind. I was last, Now for the moment I dreaded, I walked to the potion and took a whiff. Mattheo's scent came forward at first, hitting we like a brick but what was weird was that it was soon over come with apple.

He looked at my confused face, just as confused as I was and I looked at Snape, who seemed to be calculating something. My throat then felt as if it tightened and I suddenly felt as if I was going to pass out or puke or both. So I ran out of the class and to the closest bathroom.

"Alex," Moaning Myrtle whined before seeing my expression.

"Hey, Elizabeth." I slightly choked.

"What's wrong?" she asked concerned.

"I-I don't know," I gasped, "Can you go call someone for me?" I asked.

She was off in a second and my airways somehow were being cut off. As I struggled to breathe McGonnagal ran in and tried to help me. Her mouth was moving but I couldn't hear anything except the constant beating of everyone's hearts. I couldn't help but think of Mattheo as stars entered my vision which made  my heart ache even more. 

I didn't have a type of anchor which meant that I was most likely going though some type of panic attack. Snape was next to me in a second and even though my vision was clouded, I could see them gasp and look at me with a look one could only describe as fearful confusion.

I let out a whimper and had blacked out right after that...

Parker Tribrid and a RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now