Part 1

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I was always the outcast, that's probably why Kai and I were so close but as the 'psychopaths' as we were called we made a great team. I was younger by two months yet I was stronger than even the originals.

They didn't know I existed which was perfect since being the only tribrid in existence could make me a target. Now I looked 16 but yet again I could make myself look older as I was actually like I think 40 now?

Kai and I got out of the prison world, by me staying undetected and observing. He had things he wanted to finish with the family and other stuff too, I couldn't be around during that time so Kai pleaded, OK I made him plead as he just demanded it, for me to go somewhere where I can stay hidden and not be found.

I had run into a kid about my age talking about magic and compelled him to tell me everything. "Hogwards huh? thank you for telling me this, now forget we ever spoke."

I then followed him and walked straight through a wall to a train which I boarded. I got into a empty cabin and pulled out my phone, putting a lock- and silencing spell onto the door.

"Kai, I'm heading somewhere no human or supernatural can get me. It's a school for a different type of witches and wizards, I'm just going to compel or manipulate my way in." I said with a hint of happiness in my tone.

"Causing mischief is something you do best, though be safe and don't draw too much attention to yourself." he said laughing.

"My lovely brother, have you seen the wardrobe I own, I am most likely going to attract the wrong crowd." I said smirking.

He just told me to call if I need help and hung up telling me that he cares for me.

I then saw a ferret looking boy and his friends knocking loudly on the door. I lifted the spells as well as pulled my hood a little over my eyes.

"Your in our cabin, get out." Ferret boy said and his friend elbowed him.

"He's new." he said and I cleared my throat.

"I'm a she, female, dingus. Now let me tell you this, I might be new but I'll end every single one of you in a flash if you get on my wrong side. So in conclusion, Leave." I threatened and the friend said: "Sure, I'm Blaze by the way."

"Alex thanks for acting more descent than ferret over there," I said and waved him off.

"He wont like you calling him that, It's Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." He said and I nodded.

I just laid down, waiting for the train to stop which felt like hours.

Everyone got out and I followed. An old looking man walked up to me and asked who I was.

"Alex Parker, I'm here to go to Hogwards?" I asked, innocently.

"I am Dumbledore and you must've gotten a letter or have physical magic to do so, Alex." he said.

I closed my eyes and focused on the little flower in front of us, not a second later it burst into flames.

He nodded and told me walk in after he announced me, as I was the only new student in the middle of their school year.

I walked in with my hood still over my head and Dumbledore said: "Parker, Alex sit on the stool."

The sorting hat-as I've come aquainted said: "Hmm, this may be easy." I thought to myself: "Just no goodie too shoes, I wont survive." after a pause it yelled out: "Slytherin!"

I walked to the green table and sat down at the far corner where I could remain unseen.

"Parker as in the Parker family murdered in 1994?" I heard a female whisper.

Parker Tribrid and a RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now