Part 2

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I woke up groaning at the thought of Snape's potions class but got dressed nevertheless.

These boring robes got me irritated. I wanted to rip them into shreds but knew I couldn't so I just teleported to the doors outside the big hall or whatever they call it. I walked in and sat in the far corner of the table, not eating since I had a strict only blood diet.

Mail came in and a beautiful black owl flew to me. It's tag said: "From Kai, hope this helps." I wrote. "Thank you, hope to hear from you soon." and took the package the owl had as it flew away.

I opened it and smirked. My 'special' cigarettes! They were designed to be able to relax a tribrid such as myself as well as a human, though humans would only notice the slight taste of vervain and wolfsbane.

I quickly hid my cigarette's in my robe and walked to the class.

I had Snape's potions class but a transfiguration class with McGronnagal later on.

Snape looked at me and nodded. So I walked up to him and said: "Mind me asking, is there anything I could do to make up for the half a year I missed?" I could see the approval in his eyes and had to hide my smirk.

"Just going through the years textbook will do." he said and I nodded.

I went to sit at the back on the class where there was a slight shadow cast over the desk and the rest of the students piled in.

"Today we are going to- Your late." Snape's head snapped to the two Riddles who walked in late.

They apologized but lost points for our house. My competitive nature kicked in and I was set on gaining these points, plus it would work perfectly with my plan. I was almost caught up with the years work so far when Snape started again.

"Today we're going to learn how to make Amortentia..." he said and told us we had to make the potion.

I stood up from my seat and went to grab the necessary ingredients: Ashwinder eggs, Rose thorns, Peppermint, powdered moonstone, pearl dust, rose petals and the rest before walking back to my seat and making the potion. I might have actual magic but learning this type of this was ,in a way-fun.

Snape went around and very little people had their potions right. 1 hufflepuff named Cedric and the Riddles. Snape made his way to me smelling and looking at the potion and muttered: "Perfect," before bringing my potion to the front and saying: "20 points to Slytherin! This is the perfect Amortentia, everyone will come forward and smell it."

He called everyone else before calling after Tom, who claimed to smell nothing. Then Mattheo who claimed the same, then Draco who looked confused as he named two different types of scents. One I did not know the other...

"And... Blood, mint, dog, black current and smoke?" he whispered. My eyes widened, that's what Kai said I smell like!

I let out a grunt as Draco looked around in confusion but made eye contact with me for a few seconds, he knew. "Miss, Parker." Snape then called looking at me as if I was an interesting portrait.

I went up and smelled it, "Nothing." I replied looking him in the eye. Guess no one is in my desired list.

Snape ended the class and I was so relieved. My next class was after lunch, I had time to do my own thing so I walked to the astronomy tower where I went to sit in one of the corners. I pulled out my cigarettes and lit them up.

I was halfway through my cigarette when Draco walked in. "Here you are," he said as if relieved.

"What do you want Ferret?" I asked growling a little.

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